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Z®4 Ofthemeanes topreferue offromwhoreaome, snare b Iran!_ mend that which heehath formed ; not knowing that that fgurare con- which is borne is the worke ofGod,but that which is chan- tendont,&c ged and transformed the worke of the díuell. But concer- Cyprian.deba ha- Ding this point, Ibane written more largely in my leetures bttK,rrgin, g Y Horz.z, upon Hofea; and therefore I will herepaffe it ouer,referring §.Se5t,8, the Readervnto that place. Thofe that by And thus haue Ifet downethe meanes topreferue our no meanes can chaf+ity, and tokeepe our bodies and foules vndefiled from container they all vncleanneffe and vnlawfull lufls;the whichmeanes ifwe arebound to marrie. carefully vfe,earneflly de1ring to haue them fan6lified vnto vs by feruent and effectuall praier , and yet neuertheleffe finde invs Rill burning lulls inflaming our hearts, and pro- uoking vs to fatisfie them in the aelions of vncleanneffe, then are we, fetting afide all worldly impediments and in- conueniences, to vfe that lawfulI remedy whichGod hath fanelified for thepreferuing ofour bodies and foules in pu- rityand chaflity, euen holymarriage ; which eflate is ho- norable, and the bedvndefiled, according to the Apofdles counfaile, i .Cor. .2. For the auoidingoffornication, let e- mery man haue his wife, and let euery woman haue her swne husband.For as it is verf.9.Better it is tomarry then toburne: better it is to leade a poore life in the feare ofGod, accor- ding to his owne ordinancewhich he bath fan&ified, then todefile our bodies and foules withOrange and promi(èu- ous lufis, though in themeane time we fhould.haue for our owne vfe plenty and abundance. S.Se .9. And thefe are the meanes to preferue our bodies and Ortbe meaner foules chaff in fingle life fromfornication andvncleanneffe; to preferue vs belides which,there is another meanes peculiar vntomarri- from adultery. ed perfons,topreferue them in the eflate of marriage from whoredome andadultery,and that is, that eitherparty loue their yoke-fellow aboue all others in the world:for he that delighteth in thewife of his youth, and letteth her be vnto him as the lowing Hind, andpleafant Roe : hee that is at all times fats feedwith her breaft.r,and delighteth inher loue con- tinually, he will neuer take any pleafure in a firange woman, nor imbrace the bofome ofa tlranger,as the wife man fhew- Prou 5'08.19 eth,Prou.5.1 8.1p. Whereas contrariwife,he who takethno pleafure Heb.t.3.4