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Theeenclufßon:ojtlle Preatje.o pleafure at itome,taketh the leant occafion to range abroad: bee that can find no fweetnef a in his owne field, is ready to breake the fence,and to firay into forbidden pastures ; hee that beginneth to lothhis wife, will Toone after loueahar- lot,and feeke delight invxlawfull.lui. Now,thatthis loue may bee of fufficient force to refiraineall married perfons fromvnlawfull concupifcence, they muf} learne toground it not vpon carnali refpe&s, as vpon beauty, perfonage, ri- chcs,friends : no, nor yet vpon their moral' vcrtues,and o- ther excellent parts, for then the caufes being taken away, their loue alto mu-f{ needs ceafe ; as we findby daily experi- encein many who hauing married in theburning, and al- l-n°(1 raging heat of their loue, haue afterwards come to as great a lothing one ofanother,when either they find them- felues difapointed,&vnfatisfied in their hopes,or thecaufe of their loue quite taken away, or decayed : but they muff ground their loue vpon the loue of God,&performe it one toward auother,in obedience to his commandenient; as al- fo vpon thebondof marriage (whichnothingcan diffolue but death or adultery) whereby there'is fuch aneere vnion between them, that they are no more two but one flefh ; fo that though all other caufes faile, yet they are to continue their loue towards them, becaufe they are parts of them- Eph.4.28, felues, and members of their ovinebody. And therefore when they are faulty,wounded,and difeafedwith infirmities and corruptions, theyare not to catt them off, and to feeke for new, changing their true.members,as it were forwood- den legges and armes, but rather to vfe all good meanes, whereby theymay be cured and amended. And thus haueI (hewed what fornication and adultery § is,thehainoufncffe ofthe fins,and the grieuoufneffeof their The conc1wfion punifhments, together with the meanes wherebywe may ofthin treatife be preferued from them ; now it onely remaineth , that I earneftly desire the Lord,the fountaine of all purity, chafti- ty, and holineffe, that hee will with his hone fpirit bleffe that which Ihaue deliuered to publike view, that it may be effeauall to thole that reade it,either to reflraine them from filthy lints, ifyet then hee not defiled with them, or to re- D d 3 clairuç