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206 The coneluf :onof the treAtife. claime them from this filthinef%; if already theyhauebeen defiledwith it, that fo they together with all theSaints of God, beeingwa.fhedand denied with the liuing waters of his wordand fpirit, maybe prefentedvetohimglorious & undefiled, without either fpotte or wrinckle, and fobeeing fan&ified, may bee admitted as citizens of that pure citie the newIcrufalem; and as heires ofthat glorious kingdom withChrift, whichhis mofa precious bloud(hed hathpur- chafed for vs.The whichmercy theLordvouchfafevnto vs, cuen for the fame his moil deare fonnes fake; to whom with the father& his holy fpirit,be afcribcdal glo- rie andpraife,power,rnaiefky,mightanddo- minionbothnowand forcuermore c Amen. FINIS.