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zoS Oftheeccafsonofthis TreAti feagainft bribing. More danger multitude and qualitie ofthe offenders,who all withvnsted in eprouing. forces Band vpbothbyword and example in their defence; finne, then rn that commonly the reproofe is made more vnpardonable committingit.,then the finne ; andwhileft the vice, thoughunmasked,(}a- reth in mens faceswithout fhame or blufhing,the reprehen- der is difcountenanced,ifnot perfecuted and punifhed,and his reafons are not óñely reie&ed as weake,bu-t alfoexplo- ded as ridiculous. ç Seït.z. Of this wee haue an example inour Sauiour Chrift him- The former felfe ; forwhereas whenhe founded the fad tunesof the law pole cleered tgainft fin ingenerali, and fought to affe6 the peoplewith by example. this mournfullmufcke,he onelycomplaineth that they did Luk. 7.32. not vveepe ; it is Paidwhenhewent about to perfvvade them not to fet their hearts vpon the earthly Mammon,the coue- Luk, is. 14., tous Pharifes laughed him to (corne. So when Ezeehiell hed the word Ezec.33.3r. . aftercouetufneffe,o hearts they himthehearing,but when he hadfaid what he could againfl their Panne, they mowed at himwith theirmouthes, and deridedhim forhis labour. And fo when Paulfpake againfl the IdaDiana,Demetrius and the craftfmen,not fomuch in heat oftheir deuotion, as for the loneoftheir gaines which theyformerly enioyedby 4a. i9. 2,4. making filuerfhrines vnto their goddeffe, were, at the hea- ring ofthis doarine, filled, not onelywith anger,but alto withoutragious furie,whereby theybrought the whole Ci- tie into an vpröre, and filled it with confufion, laying vio- lent lands vpon Paules companions , when as theApoftle himfelfe wasout ofthe way. Neither can Gods Miniflers, intrcatingof the like argument, expe&better fucceffe in thefeworfer times,and corrupter age oftheworld,wherein naens.goodnes is meafured according to their wealth, and not their vertue; and euerie one efleernedaccording to the quantitie ofhis riches, without any refpeSofthe meanes whereby he hashcompafl-ed them. y.SeEt.3. The whichwas fornedifcouragement vntome,intending impudencie of to fpeake and write againfl one particular branch ofcoue- frnnea difcou- toufneffe, the (inne ofbriberie, becaufe I feared left when I theg rimier. had taken al thepaines Icould indiffwadingmen from this vice, . _ _ -----.-