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Oftheoccafion ofthis treatife againtbribing. 209 vice , I might iufllycomplaise with the Prophet,that I haue (pent nay arength in vaine , and that the word of theLord is zo.8. wade a reproch vnto me,and inderifion da lie. For who feeth Ycr not , that this Gnneof bribery is growne vnto acommon ',made and vCuall falhion, having both multitude ofoffen- ders to defend it , and the greatneife of the delinquents to grace and countenance it ? In fo much as now itis. made note ofa braue minde , to receiuc great gifts , andnot to take baler bribes , of to Goopevnto euery (ordidous pray. Yea now it is counted a tigne of inciuility , not to accept ofall Burs n7Pm- proffered kindnefres, and a badgeof folly and fottifh flupi- tU $rBa ca dity to bebafhlull in ela5tingbribes,when the party is back- aurum ? ward in tendring ofthern. Howbeit,on the other fide,confidering with my Idle that S. SeEtt.4. Chrill inueighedagainl the . .tammonof iniquity, though Gods Miniftett hewere derided; that Ezechiel preached againil the Genes rxufï reproQue tholejx anea ofthe people,thoughhis fe:nnons were but like the plcafant which they Tongs of a cunning minaret' to make them merry ; that hauefmall Paulneuer ceafcd co reproue the idolatryofthe Ephefians, hope to rew though he were perfecuted for his paires; that being called forme. to beGods Ambaffadours,wc mull be ready for the delíuery ofour mc(fage, not only to accompany Ffay in theKings court abut alto Iererny in the aockes and dungeon ; and that beingappointed the Lords watchmen, weeoughtto tell the Ezech33.8. peopleof their hones , vnlelfewee would haue their bloud requiredat our hands; therefore remoouing onrt of fight all impediments,I refolued to intreateof this argument ,and to inueigh againfl this (trine ; the lour, of my country, the re- fpe&ofslaycalling, and the neceflityof the times fo requi- ring it. For who may not plainely perceive, that dothnot wil- §.Seb .s. fully flint his eyes, that where this finneof bribing raigneth, chat the fine- Rulers arc corrupted ,'Ace peruerted, impunity admit- ofbribe;, ted and together with it all (inne and wickednefie , the haahcorruptnd g Nei- mofi ffaiesaacf whole (late of gouernment difi:;ynted and dilordred ? i conditionsof ther bath this contagion tainted one place alone , but bath men. infeacd and poyfoned the moll part , ifnot the whole hate of Chriflendome : and as it was trimly Paid in thewaiving E c and