2 I o That moft elates arecorrupted with thef7nne ofbribing. and decliningefiate oftheRomane Church and monarchy; Omnta venalia Rome ; all things at Rome arc let to file :Co is it but too truely verified in there our dales both of that place, which is now the common market , not onlyof tern- porall,but allo of fpirituall things, as difpcnfa.trons and par- dons for fnnes,yca cuen of the byes ofhcaucn,and likewife ofthemoll parts ofChriflcndome, which are exceedingly ouerfpread and corrupted with this vice, For is not that found true in the common experience of there times, which Eater, io. i9, theWife man obferued in his daics , that moray anfwereth to all , tuleth all , difpofeth all ? and doe not almof all men make a cleere paiÍagcveto therfclues by gifts and rewards, for the atchicuingof their dcfires , and with thcfegolden raies ripen all their hopes ? Doe but looke into the particu- lars,and we (hall find this no falfe imrutation !aidevpon the Chriffian State, but a lamentable truth to be bewailed with deepe grones,and mournefull teams. For howroeuer king- domes then:fclues and free monarchies bee vnualuable,and aboue thep:tch of anyprice, vet what is therein kingdoms which are not daily compafled by rewards? By this ladder tome mount vp into the fromofeminency , purchafing by gifts titles, whichneuer came to them by inheritance, or by defert;neither doe they now as in former times, ennobleand dignifie themlelues,by venturingtheir life,& fpendìng their blood in the defence of their country; but haue found a (Peed bet' and moreBane ccurfe for the fatisfying their ambi- tious ciefires,nasnely, by friendsbought with gifts,. So that now ifeuer the rayingofthe Poet is veri led, Inpretiopreti- urnof , dat cent is honorer cenfitis amicitias ; pauper vbique facet: Rewards areonly rewarded,gifts buy honors, and pro- cure friends; whereas there who ate poore in purfe,are con- temptible in their perlons. So heretofore men were pre- ferred unto offices for their feruice, fußïcíency and defect; but now the vlual entrâce into them is by largegifts; which way is focommon, byrealon all the other paflagesare flop- ped vp, that men are not afhanned to paffe rhorow it at noone day : and without blufhing to iufl}fie their en- trance . Now what wonder is it if thole men who entred into w