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;chat meffeffatesarecorrupted with the finneofbríbíng. 2 I I intotheir places by bribing , doe in the executionof thé liue byextortion ? or that paying for them only for termeoflife, more thenwould purchafea fee liimpleof like value , if they tooke nomore but due and ordinary fees, they should take vn lull courfes to hclpe their bargaine, & to keep themfelues from bcggery i Neither is this faultonely now to be found among formcunning courticrs,who haue come to theirskil by much audy,& long experience: but eucn arnongfl Magi- (hates incities, whoaregrown more skilful incunning had- ling ofa bribing match,thé in theirown profeffi6s & trades, for learningwherof they hueferuedleueyeers apprétifhip. .But as there are many forward proficients in this art of - .bribing,(o none goeth before many Lawyersof there times: 5. Sert.5. who is refpet6oftheir skill and deepe reach into therewic- Nonegoe be- ked my(leries, may iuflly deferue to be dicemed not only fore tome 1ar' Mafl:ers ofthis arc, but cum Do&orsand profettors. For Jers;n the art what matter is fo foule and vniu(l,which manyof:hemwill Qfbribing' not countenance and defend for an extraordinary reward? what title fo llrong and cleare , which they are not ready to vndermine and ouerthrow for the gaining of an air.plc bribe? Neither are the lay citate and common-weal thsalone tainted with this corruption , but theinfeetionof this vice hath corrupted the Church likewife . For if weTooke into the Cchooles oftheProphets, the fensinarics oflearningand religion , we shall find that the preferments whichby the foundersof Colkdges weredeflinated andappropriated to thofewho werepoorefl inputte, moli damp of friends, . andworthicf} in gifts, bothofpiecy and learning : are now foroctimes conferred vpon fuck , as areable tomake moll friends bygifts and rewards though altogethervn fit and vn- worthyofthem. So likewife theprefermentsoftheChurch are in chete times by the fame manes compaffed in many places; for theeues and intruders enter the Church dore by thehclpeof thefegolden picklockes . Neither is it nowany great furtherance to the obtayning of Church preferments, that a man by laborious Rudiehoch attained vnto depth of learning and eminencyof gifts; for though his headbe ne- uer fo full fraught with knowledge,yet ifhis hands be emp- Ec2 tie