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aticb.Yerin. 212 rat deflatesare corrupted with the f nne ofbribing, ticof bribes,he may haue leaue toBandwithout doores; and though he hauc the tongue of the learned, yet he thatl rieuer perfwadehis greedie patronc , vnleflè he can make golden verles, and mooue him to hearken with a filuer founding voice. Yea in truth learning in thefe times is accidentally an hinderance to the obtayning the rewards oflcarning :. for if that mony were fined which is laid out vpon bookes and candles , and bellowed in gifts andbribes; and if that erne were fpent in laying cunning plots , for the procuring of preferments , which is bellowed in making men worthy to bee preferred; it would prooue a farre readier and fpcedicr. courfe,to compaffe thefe preferments; though in the meane while they thouid be barbaroully ignorant, and thereby fit-. ter to deflroy the Church then tobuild it , to betray it into thepower ofthe fpirituall wolfe, then to defend or deliver it . Whereby it appeareth,that almoll all flares inall places, are exceedingly corrupted and difordered with thisvice of bribing,fo as in thefe times we may make that bold and gc> nerall challenge: Quid non argento ? quid non corrumpiturasire ? ui maiora dabitmaunera viaorerit. What is therewhich is not corrupted with filuer and gold? Andwho in competition and in all fuites , hath the prehe- minence and vi&ory, but he who can bring target# gifts? Neither are the prefermentsofhonor only attained vnto by thefe bribing courfes, but all() the preferments of wealth and riches: for as the cunning fifher baiteth his hooke with a (mall fifh togeta greater , fo the onelycourte in thefedines to compaífegreater wealth , is toventure that which we ale readie haue, to bringour flats to a low ebbewhenwe would hopefully expea a full lea,, and to impouerifh our felues u ithgluing bribes , when we delire tobe aduanced to the greatcll riches.. CHAP;