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2 r q. Bribery condemned as eagrieuotuPanne. thenIwouldintreatyour mater,that he willflierme to con- tinue in my honefty and iuflice : thercby implying, that he could not poflibly be fuch anone, ifbefuffered himfelfe to be corruptedwith rewards. But the Scripture goeth fitrther,and condemncth bribing, S.SeEt.s. not onely as alïnne,butallo as a mighty linne.Amos 5.i 2. The scrtyt:óre For Iknowyourmanifold tranfgreJons,andyourmighty fins :: cordemnetb they afflia the iufl. , the y take rewards and the y opprep the bribing as an hainou -s finne. poore inthegate.Thewhich ask istrueofa llbribers,foefpc. Amos s,r3. ciallyofthof,,who being in theplaceofMagiftracy& autho- rityare corrupted with rewards and moued therby to peruert judgement ; and allo ofal others who are allured by bribes, toattempt anything which is vnlawfull and wicked. Forall How the bra fuch grieuoufly antic againli God , their neighbour, and besfinnetha. themCelues; againfI the Lord,notonely by direw1 breakingof gainfGod, his commandement , but alfo its difhonouringhisnameaf ter an extraordinary manner, namely, by drawing him as much as in them lieth , into the fellowfhipoftheìt fnne, or at leali into the flander ofit . ForMagifirates are Gods de- puties and vicegerentshere on earth , and the indgenients which they adminif}er are not their owne, but the iudge- ments ofthegreat King of heauenand earth; as lehofaphat z .Chton;i s' telllethhisIudges, z.Chron .19.6.T'akZeheedwhatyossdoe ;for youexecute not the iudgements ofman, but oftheLord, and hewill bewithyou in the caufe,and iudgement,Whenas there- fore they beingcorrupted doe peruert judgement, what doe they elf,: butmake theLord to thevttermofi of their power topronounce a falle or vniufI fentence ?What doe theybut offer vntohima kindofviolence, in forcinghim by his fob- (litutes to do that which is contrary to his owne nature?For the Lord refpeEtteth not perfons,nor receiueth rewmrds,as it is, z.Chron.19.7 2.Chro. r9.7. He regardethnot the richmore then thepoore. lob 3 4.19. Lob 3 4.19.Ncither can a multitude of giftsmouehim to etc- and36,18. quite theftnner,chap.3 6.18:Whereas they c ötrariwílevfur- ping Gods nameand place, by rewards arc feduced toper- uert judgement, acquitting the guilty, and condemning the innocent; and fo bring an imputation of iniu(lice vpon Godhimielfc,andpollutehis holy game with the filthinetle of