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Bri6ery condemned* ag'ri'euouifnne. i 215 oftheir fumes, as the Lord challengeth them, Ezech, z 3.19. Ezech,13.r9. "Willyepollutemeamong mypeople, for handfuls. of6arley,and pieces of6read, toflay the foules ofthem thatfhouldnot die,& ingiuing life to thejoules that /hotdld net line, in lying to my people that heareyour lies.? Secondly, they directly offend againft theLord,in that they are ready to let to fate, iu(tice and truth which are vn- ualuable andmolt precious in his fight ; eucn as ifthe lob- lea to fatisitehis greedicappetite , ihouid not be content to rob his Princes trealury, butallo fhould make fate of his great s£eale,and the fcepter ofhiskingdome. But as the briber fnneth againft God , fo alto againft his §,se ?.3, neighbour ; and that bothprivatemen , and wholeCocietics. now the bri- Againfl private menheoffendeth diners wales; frfl againft berjnnetb tholcwhom he wrongeth by iniuflice,either when hedepris ng ca'boar arts[ ueth them oFtheir right, robbing themof that wherewith All againfi Godbath endowed them, or by condemnilag the innocent prh aremen. whom God iuflifieth,or by opprefl ng the weake.& friend lell'e , whom God would haue efpecially fauourcd and re. 1peaed. Secondly , he finneth againfl the partie for whole fake he loth iniullìce, in that he taket.h a reward to countenance him in his vniutl courfes,ro harden him in his finse; andby making the wronges and injuries iufli6able and lawful!, whichhe bathoffered to his neighbour, caufethhimCecure- ly to goe on in his wickedne{f'e without repentance. Lally, lice offended-) againft his initruments whom hev- feth in thede vniuff: imployments ;for ifIefaIelwill vniull. 1y (pill Na6othsblood , and fpóilc him of his vineyard,then allo mull the haue falle witneflcs to accule him, and vniufh lodges to condérune him; and ifFelix,will be a cunning ta- kerofbribes,hemutt not goebluntly to worke, and himfeli make the match; but he Mutt haue bis wicked brokers to beate the bargaine, who alto lithe truthcome to light,may beare the blame , and excufe their matter . And fo thele wretches feldome goe to hell'alone, but draw others with them into the like fearefull condemnation..