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§.SeS.t. Ofthc bribery ofLandlor ds. Yia. ;.t4. anos8.6. 2 t 6 How thebriberfsnneth againff pritiatefockties. CHAP. 111 How the briberfinnethapingparticularand privatefocieties. Nd thus the briber finr;cth againt1particular men.Again(l whole focieties he likewife offé- deth,& that both private &publike. Againa private focietics, asnamelyagain(E families, whether they belong to others , or that wherof himfelfe is gouernor. Other mens fay milies theywall andCpoile,by exating gifts. and rewards fr6 them, & likegreedy,but yet idl: birds, they robother mene nefls to feather their t, hiehrefpeEt the greedy Land- lord principally offends, who being to let a kale toapoore teriant,doth not only rail: the rent and inhance the fine; but in churlifh cunning keepeth aloofc,looking liernly, & fpea. kinghigly; neither can hee be psi fwaded to comevnto any agreement,vntill his wife,or children be feed withbribes,to mediate in the behalfe ofthepoore tenant, and fo make him more tractable and inclinable to entertaine hismotion.Ard when the leak is taken at fo high a rate, that byCweatingal- mo(l vnto blond, he cannot maintaine his poore family,yet ifhe regardhis Landlords difpleafure, and would hauehim to lookevpon hirn witha cheerefull countenance; yea if he defire ro beout of his lurch , and wouldnot haue him alwaies ready to watch him a mifchiefe when the leali occafion is offred; he ma} at euery good time prefent him with the fat ofhis labours, though he fpare it out ofhisowne bellie; and be alwaies readyat his Landlords pleafure, to toilehimfelfe and his cattell alfo,with gaineleife paines, and vnrewarded labour,Andwhat is this but as theProphet fpeakcth,to beat thepeople in peeces,& togrinde thefaces ofthepore?What is it but tofel thepoorefor old[hoes,& bafey to vnderualue thofe a sflames t men ofno worth,whomChrifl bath redeemedwith the ineffimablepriceofhis owne rrtoff precious blood? What is this,but not only to plucke offthe clothes from their backs, and