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How thebriberfinneth againftpritaatef©cietie!. 2 I 7 and their =ate from betwecne their iawes, but even topull off the skinne from the fle11i , and the flefh from the bones, and like crucll Canibals, to care the flefh of Gods people, hauing fitti flaied off their skinnes , broken their bones,and chops them inpeeces,as for the pot, and as flefh within the caldron, as the Lord complaineth of the Princesof Iliac':Mich 3 a 3 Mich.3.2.3. Sept. The like may bcfaid ofmany couetous lawyers; for I doe S. e ea . not accuCe all , nor any, whole confciences doe not accule The 1[' them ; and I know that there are Many of this honourable uers Lawyers, profefíton,who doe truely feare God , loue Juflicc, hate the corruptions ofthe time,andmake confcience oftheir waies; but lonly tax fuch,as beingwholly pot-felled and corrupted with greedy couetoufnelfe, (Land accufed and conuinced be- foreGod by the te(limonyoftheir own confcienccsofthere griping courfes,andof this vnconfcionablcbribing,wherby they fpoile whole families, and lay waft dwellinghoules as defers places; for whenmen come vnto them forhelpe , to rnaintaine theirlull titles,and toenter or keepe them in pof- fefíion oftheir right, theyofall others moll wrong them;& ifat all they preferue their (late , it is that themfelues may pray vpon it ; vfing herein° their clients as the briers the lheepe,whowhen he commeth amongft them for fhel ter a- gainft the (lorme,is fo inueigled, that beforehe canget our, he mutt leauc his Coatebehind him . Neither is this thecafe oftheone client alone , but herein bothaduerfe parties doe well agree; for oftentimesboth he that dothand receiueth the wrong, he that hath a iuft title vnto that for v: sich he fucth,as Well as he thatdeteineth other mens rights from the truc©wners,hauethrough tcdiousfuits their ellates brought into (Lich deepeconfumptions, that they neuer recouerofit. So as it had bin much better oftentimes to haue giuen away their right,then to haue feed for it; becaufe they can haue no endoftheirchargeable fuites,til hauing (-pent al,their pouer- ty procureth,a priuiledge ofexemption . In which refpea many Lawyersofour times may betruly laid to accordcon- tentiós,as in the fable thekite c6pounded the adfe between the moule and the frog , namely , by making a prayofboth F f parties.