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218 How the briberfannethapingprimate focieties. parties. And tholewho fue for their helpe,are like vnto true mcn,whowhé they cannot agree about thediuiuionoftheir goods, either panicdenying the greater (hare , commit the matter to becomprimitted and decided by theeucs, who in- rich thcmlelucs with the fpoile of them both : or like vnto the blind and the lame, contending who fhould haue the oi- (ler which the one fpied , and the ocher tooke vp, and riot beingwilling to decide thematter betweene themlclues, did chufe an arbitrator , who did cate the (mate hirnfclfe, and gaue a (hell to either panic. $.Se5.3. But becaufe it is not enough to fay that they are difeaCed, That lawyers, vnletfewe altopoint at the fore;or co accule themof bribing, eenterflie of- vnleiT°e wealío Phewwherein their taking rewards is to bec fend this condemned ; we are further to know, that in this regard bixg: r, whe* they. principally o(fend,fir(l,when they take gifts for the de- aa they take fendingof an vniul{ caufe, themfclues knowing before they gifts tornain take it in hand, that it is of this nature and quaïitic. Acorn- taint vnikfi m6 praerifc amongft many lawyersofchefe times,who care caufe, not how bad the cauícbe, to the fee begood , nor howemp- tic thecourts be ofTu(lice , Co that their chefls herebymay be filled with riches. But herein they gricuoufic finne againti the Iudge, whom by tlicir perniciouscloquence,co- lourableglotTes , and falfe fuggeflions, they labour toblind, that they may (educe and miflcadehim outofthepathofIu i}ice,into the by-waits oferror and vnrighteoufnes.They fin againll the aduerfe partie , ioyning their helpinghands with fuch th;cues, as would rob them of their right and -fpoile Themoftheir iufl poflel1 ons. They finneagainfl theirowne client, either bytaking his monie to doe him nogood, his caufe beingapparantlyeuill. or when it is more hidden and intricate, by flrengthening him in euill,countenancing him in his bad courte, and by fellingvntohim for his feesan vn ïull hargaine , which hehath nomore right to buy, then the other to fell,which onedaywill be a clogge tohis mind,and a corrafiue to hisconfcience. And laflly, the,+finne again({ their owne foules, both byfcrapingoutthe figne ofone who is an inheritour of Gods kingdome, and by taking vpon them a marke ofreprobation and damnation , namely , the receiuing