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How thebriber inneth againftprisiatefocietier. 2 I9Pfalm, t receiving of areward againf tt the innocent : as it is, PfaI. z 5.5. andwhiled they callgoodeuill ,andeuillgood,wrongright,and rightwrong,iUffi fie thewie edfora reward,and takeaway the righteoufneffe of the righteosufromhim , they make them- (clues fubied toa double woe denouncedagain(} them : Efa, Esa. 5. 10.2,3, ,20.23. Secondly, they are guilty of this finne of bribing , who S. SeEt.4. e%aLi extraordinary fees for ordinary labour, and excefliue z.Byexaó ar! ín e rewardsfor (mall paincs to themfelnes, and as littleprofit to fee, for®w - their clients . Thewhich is a common fault of there times, rKGunjfe, wherein Come Lawyers fo much ouervalue their labours a- nary their will bring to hebarre,or calk-them toopen nark fee t their lippes in the behal feof their client, if theybe menof any note . But we are to know that by the rule of iutìice, there ought tobe a proportion bctweene the workeand re- ward,bctweene the fcruice and the wages, refpeft being had ofthe dignity andRate of the perfonwho taketh the patnes; andwhatfocuer exceedeth this iu(1 proportion is no better then bribery, extortion, and theft in Gods fight . Neither mutt this proportion bemeaCured according to their owne conceit,wbich is commonly vnequall and partial!, through ouerweening pride , and bewitchingCelle-loue , but accor- ding to the lawes of the land, and limitation of the State, whereby all fuch things arc to be ordered and determined. BCIidCS ,as this taking olexcefflue fees is bad in it (elk ,and full of iniuflice& corruption , Co is it of worfe confequcnce; for ifnone of worth can be entertained but at these high rates ; then thofe who are of low conditionand meaneeflate, are through their neceflity debarred oftheir helpe & coun- t-ell ; and onely thole who abound in wealth , and haue full purfes, haue thebenefit of it; whereof it mu(} needs follow, that through the great skil andperiwadingeloquence which is vied in the defenceoftheir caufe who are rich, & through theweake and inCuffìcicnthandling of thepoore mascaufe, though neuer Co iuG; powerful iniuflicewil get thevpper hád oftentimes ofweak right, and truth having nopatrons but her ownnaked fimpiicity to main taine her,againtf thevnre- F f i Sabi