Downame - BV4500 D67 1613

2 2 o How the briber f nneth againfrprimate focieties, fifhable violence of bola eloquence , and cunning infìnuati_ ohs and Curmizes , cloth not lei dome in thefe dales take the foilc. §. SeE1-.5. But much more doe they offend, who receiuing their fees, ;.when ha- fornetimes double and treble, will not vouchfatèwhen the uing received caufeoftheir clients is to be heard tocome unto he barre, their fees, they : willnot fpeaka or to open thclr lippes in defence of their right . Whereby in theirclients they greatly iniury their clients, in betrayingtheir caufe vn- caufe. der colour of patronage , withholding their prowifedcoun- fell and helpe, when thenecefíìíy of the caufe moll requi- reth it:whereof it mull needs foilow , that theaduerfe party will obtaine an eafievi&ory,when being armed at all points for the incoürer, he findeth no aduerfary in the h Is to make refìflance. Andalío hereby they make themfelues guilty of fhamefull theft, in that they take thole tees, which of right doenot belongvnto them : for the reward is notabtofutely giuen veto them, but vpon the condition of their bell afiï_ ilance,thewhich condition being not performed,they haue no lull title vnto the gift; no more then the feruant bath right to his wages,who dothno work,or fpenderh his whale cae¡esof time in following his ownebufineiT'e . Now the caule hereof the former fin: principally is their griping couetoulnefe, which maketh 1.The coNe_ them thinkeall the water loll which runneth betides their roufaege of mill ; and therefore they greedily vndertakeas many bull- toe Lawyer. neffesas are commended vntothE by alluredhopeoflarge gaine , though it bec impoflîble, that they fhould carefully proîcuteoneofthree as the caufesrequire.And fo they not only empty their clients purfes of their many, but alfo their hearts ofall comfort, when they find their caufebetraied by thofe who fhould haue defended it ; and perceiue to their griefe that there broken francs haue failed them , when they moil relied on them. And fecondarily,this commethtopaire through the importunity ofthe client, who looking more into the skill ofhis counfellours,then into the g©odneíèof his caule , is in policie contented togluea large fee toone,Gf whom he bathconceived a great opinion, rather to hinder his aduerfary, then to helpe himfelfe. For hauing nohope ofentertaininghim to fpeake in his owne caufe , he putteth into 2,yhe impor- tunilyof tbc client.