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How the briber f nneth apingprivatefacieties. x 2 into his mouth this golden gagge , to reflrainehim from fpeaking again({ 1u ) , in the behalfe of the aduerfe party. Wherin they behaue themfelues like the poorc lndians,who offer facrifice to the diu°ls,not becaufe they looke to obtain from them any good, but becaufe theywould reflraine them from doing them any hurt : fo thcfenot for hope ofrecei- uing anyhelpe , but to kcepe them from hurting their caufe, fee them with largegifts; whereby it commeth topare, that theywho in this corrupt rankeare ofgreatefl fame, aremore inriched by their filence,then others by their laboured fpce- ches; and hauemore and greater fees tokeepethern fitting (}ill and doing nothing , then others for trudging to the courts,and taking all the paines. Lafily , they offend by making tedious delaies, and pro- §.SeE .6. trading, of fuits,from terme to terme, and yeere toyeere, di- q.Byoking uifingathoufandquirkesandfhiftsto .keepethe caufefrom tedious aelaies coining to a iu(l rriall , to the end, that together with the and protra- fuite,their fees may be continued, and become of extraor di. dingfuites, nary rewards annual! rents , to be paid vnto them quarterly at euery Term. So that in theft dales the execution ofiuflice is farce vnlikevnto that it was in the time of Mofes, for then Exod. i8, 14. Jethro complained that thepeoples fuites were too tcdioufly delaied, becaufe they were fa ine th waite from morning to night to haue their caufes heard and tried : whereas now a plaine deed , well penned for matter and forme, and ratified by hand and Peale, maydepend infuite a yeere or two in de- fpite of the bell meanes, which the wronged plaintiffe can make to right himfelfe . And ifthere be any great difficulty in the caufe(as what may not be made difficult which confi Beth inwords andphrafes more then inequity and iuflice?) then the corrupt Lawyers ofthefe times take a lean oftheir clients for terme of life, yea fomctimes for three huesCue- cc liuely,the nephew ending that fuite which thegrâdfather began. Yea and oftentimes after all this expenfe of time and many , the title is neuer thebetter cl'e red,but onely weari- nelTeand pouerty put an end to there fuites which flomacke and abundance began . And he who gaineth moll,fitteth downe by loffe ,feting in refpetli of his great expenfe it had F f 3 beene