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§.SeEf.y. Now the bri btr deftroietb ióia ownefä- *ilie. Prou.I5.2.7. rlob 15.34. 222 That bribing ispernicious to thecommon-wealtk. beone muchbetter,both for his (lateand mind,to haue had a fpeedy oucrthrow, then fotedious a conquefl . So that law- ing in there times is much like togaming, wherein vnthrifts eat} the dice who (hall haue one anothers mony; and the Lawyers chef like the butlers boxe, which in theend recei- ueth all,and maketh both parties tobecome beggers; for as in both there is equal' hope , fo nomore certaintyofdefired (uccetre,one vndoing that which another hath done,and o- uerruling that as vniufl, which another hath determined to be iu(fand equal]. And thus haue I filewed how the briber deflroieth other mens families . The like may alto be laid of his owne ; for howfoeuer heby bribing principally intcndeth tobuild his houfe , and to aduance his po(ferity togreat honour and ri- ches; yet oftentimes it commeth to paffe through the iu(f judgement ofGod, andby his infinite wifdome and power ouerrulingal his plots andpurpofes, that in Beadofbuilding hisfamily hedeflroieth it,in ("cad ofaduancing his pofleri- tyhe bringeth vpon it vtter ruineanddifgrace. This is ma- nife(f both by the Scripturesand by continuall experience ofall timcs.The Wife man tellethvs,that hee who isgreedy of £aine,that is, fo couetous as that hewill not flick to vfe thofc lawfull praetifes ofbribing and oppreffion to inrich him.. fel(,he troubleth anddiflurbethhis houfe ; whereas hee that hateth bribe's"hall liue, Prou. r 5.27. So it is faid lob r 5.34 thatfire/hall deuoure thehoufes whicharebuilt withbribers that is, they fhall be broughttovtterruine and deflruc`fion. The which heauy judgements here threatned haue accor. (Jinglybeen infíieled, as experience ofall timeshath taught vs : for howfoeuer men may aduance themfelues by thefc wicked courtes for a time, yet it could feldóme be obferued that the thirdheire had caufe to glory in thegettingsof his br.ibinganceflors. CxnP.