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Thatbribery rcpernscioki to the coomon-weidtb. 223 CHAP. IIII. That bribery is hurtf li and peruicioto to the COnsmon- 79 ealth. Vt as bribers doe de(iroy privatefamilies;fo §, sea. r, they arc alike htirtfult and pernicious toBriberyostr whole countries andCommon-wealths : for throweth nta. firfi, bribery oucrthrowcth Magi flracy,and g'ßra' . all lawfull goucrnment,and bringethwith it ananarchic and confulon Towhich pur- pofe one faith, thatablatio muneris tines eft regiminis ; Sri- Gar in EP¡Ii bing is themouthofgouernment. For howfoeuer menhold the places, and haue theauthorityofMagiflrates,yet ifthey loue gifts theywill focharm them that they will haue no cies to fee diforders, nor cares toheare complaints, nor vndcr- flanding to dilcern betweengood&cuil,,rightor wrong,but as they are informed& lead by chofe who bribe thé. Where- upó a largedore is opened to aidifordcr and licentiousliber- ty,no manbeing rearained fie') any wickcdncs,but thofe who arcunable to bringgifts , & to make their peaceby rewards. Secondly , by bribing the Common-wealth is robbed, !polled, and impoucrifhed : for bu(ìnetrecan be By bribing err the difpatched , no right obtained 9 no lawexecuted but by the B7 lnelpc ofgifts; and conitdering that thefe occafions , are in meaitb u reb all flares dailyand continuall,amongfl innumerable perlons be and of all degrees, itmull needes follow,that in (hors time the [polled. wholewealthof the country will becxhaufied, and ingrof. fed into the handsof theft rohbers.Hence it is that the Pro- phet Efay matcheth bribing Magiilrates with thceucs,Efa. i. 23. ThyPrinces are rebellious and companions oftheetues,eue- Efa.x.Z3. ry one louethgifts tf7followethafter rewards.Ncitherin truth is there any difference betwcene them ; Caning that thceucs robonlyCome few private perfons,but thefewholecountries and Common - wealths ; theyby plaine force, and there by dilguifed fubtilty and vnder colour of law . So theProphet Jeremy compareth them to dining fowlers, which lay !Hares and