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t26 That bribery isperniriow to the common-wealth. Arnbr. in I, faith : Libertatm arguendi amittit d-peccar qui ab coaeci- cor. pit,qui ideodat ne corrrgatur; He lofethhis liberty ofrepro- uing , and thereby greatlyotfcndeth, which loth reeeiuea gift from him , who therefore befloweth it that he may not be corte&cd. For how can he freely rebuke fuch an one for his faults, whom before he bath made priuy tohis owne grotfe corruptions ? Or what power bath bee to draw out the fwordofiufiicc, for the punifhmentof fin , when as hee hath fuffred his hands to bemanacled tvith bribes ? Or how can he in triall of right adminiftcr righteous judgement without refpea of perfons, whohath made taleofboth his cares,eyes,and tongue fora reward,and vpon carnet' recei- ued,hathobligedhimfelfe tovie all fauour to theoneparty, before the caufe is examined ? §.Se5.6. And as he is readie for reward to iuftific the wicked ;fo Bribing fudges alto to wrong the innocent; for iftheir caufe be focleereand opprefje manifefa, that it cannot with any colourable fhew ofreafon the innecent. goe againli them; then doe they fo tire them withdelaies, and fo difcouragc themwithcndie[T'e paines, and excefíiue chargcs(they being vnable tocounterpoifc the gifts-of their aduerfaries) that they arc faine to glue itouer before they can hauea dayofhcaring, or come to a lawful) trial] . So the Efa.t.1.3. Lord complainethof the bribing Iudges oflirael, Efa.I.23. Emery one lduethgifts,andfollowethafter rewards; t hey iudge not the fatherleffe, neither doth thewidower caufe comebe- fore them. But if thecaufeofthe poore man haue in it an difficulty, then though it be neuer fo ¡u!f ,. yet hewere better to oleic ouer,and (pare his coil, and lace his further labour, then to prófecute his right before a bribing -fudge ; for hefhall(as the prouerbeis)butcan the hducaírer the hatchet , anden ter intoan endletre labyrinth, in whichwhen he hathlong travailed, he (hall find hi infclfc as farre fromhis hoped ¡fine, as in the firft house of his entrance, wanting the golden thread which fhould guidehim in his way. And if in thepro- fecution of his caufe , for want of counfell he giucth the leaft aduantagc tohis aducrfary, though it do not concerne theequity ofthe matter , but oncly the error of the forme, and