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Thatbribery ír pernicious to thecommon-wealth. 217 and faultinet1c of his plea , he is Cure to be crufhed , and to bane the caufe,though neuerfo iu(},to goe again him.A id of this corruption , the Lord accufeth the corrupt lodgesof Ifrael, Amos 5.1 They afflict the iuft,they take rewards,and Amos 5.1 t they oppreffe thepoorein thegite,that is,Iitting vpon the feats of iudgement,whieh inchute times were placed in thegates of their cities. Yea , fo greedyof gaine is the bribin&Iudge,that fora rc- s,.iefl.q. ward,he will betray the trues of the innocent , arid to inrich Dribingrud his citefts, let to Pale thedeerefl bloud of righteous perlons, gro bfirÿ;dnot not caring fo he mayham called gold to ofbloud. innocthe ons,though his fields be With fuck wicked Iudgcs the Lord expoftulateth, Ezech. Ezecb.r3 ig ;.19. Andwillyee pollutemeamong my peopleforhandfuls of and 22.12. barley , andforpieces of bread, toflay thefouler ofthem that mould not die , and togiue life to the foules that fhould not hue ?&c. And fueh bee accufeth andcondemneth, Ezech. 12.1 a,. In thee theyhaue takengifts tofhedblood. And thus haue I (hewed how many mifchiefes thebribe- §,Sell. S. ry of the Magifirates and Iudgcs, brings vpon a State, Bribingzud. through the peruerting of iu(+ice ; ofall which, force will aoon eedd, thinke themfelucs acquitted, who can truely fay in their thatrheyoxefÿ ownc defence , that howfoeuer they rcceiue many gifts,yet that shirr to it is not for peruerting of righteous judgement, but onely doe iufiice. they take rewards, and gratuities , for the doingof Mike, and for the rightingofmens wrongs . Foras among(+Sorce- rers thereare forecalled good, andCome badwitches ; the one curing thofedifeafes which the other bathcaufed , and helpingwhat the other bath hurt; and yethowlòeuer they differ in name , yet in truth they areofone nature; and are both dire& witches , who equally labour to enrich Satans kingdorne,both -with their ownefoules,and with the foules ofothers who are (educed by them : So amongbribers,therc arc fome,whomay be called good in comparifonofothers, who take rewards , to tight the others wrongs ,and releeue thofcwhó othersby their vniuft fentenccs haue oppretled; notwith(anding thcfe arcbribers too,corrupt,vnrighteous, and naught , although not altogether of fo malignant a dif- G g Z pofition