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I o That it may be lawfull tovfe aprimate oth. bee gathered out of the text it felfe : for he faitla,let your communication,or ordinary fpeechone to another be,yea yea,naynay : neither Both he forbid them tofweare by the name ofGod,whichwas vfed in publike othes, but by the creatures, namely,the heaucn,earth,altar, &c. s.SeEt.9. Yea,wil force man fay,but howfoeuer publikeothes be- "Tint anotb in fore the Magifirates , and for theconfirming ofnewCon- priiiace maybe uerts in the truth of Chriíiian religion,may be lawfull,yct rrjdlamfùlly. othesarchere vtterly condemned . Ianfwere,that Chrif{here only forbiddeth rafh,vaine andvfual (wearing, when neither the waightinefíe nor neceffity ofthe caufe re- quireth it, as being a matter which is not worth thepro- ving, by filcha foueraigne vitneffe and Iudge;,orwhich may be prouedby other arguments and witneífes . Other- wife in waighty and neceffary caufes, it is lawfull for the confirmationoftruth , the ending ofcontrouerfies,the ta- kingaway ofdoubtings, iealoufies,and fufpitions,and for thepreferuingofa mans goodname and credit, to fweare $ privatly aswel as publikely,feeing themain ends o_fa law- full othareattainedvnto,as well in theoneas in the other. Exampleshereof we haue in Abraham and Ifaacfweating to Abimelech,facob toLaban,Iofeph to Jacob,Dauidto Io- uathan,and inmany others. s.Self. zo. Laftly,theyobie6 thePayingoffames,chap,5 ver.i z But Obiet , aboueall things,my brethren.frreare not,neitherbyheaué,nor 401.5.12, byearth, nor byany otheroth : Asa letyouryeabeyea, &your nay,nay,leflyefailinto condemnation . The which words are all one in fubfiatace with thofeofour Sauiour Chrifts , and thereforeadmit ofthe fame interpretation,a.nd confequ&- ly the obie&ion needeth no other anfwere otherwife lames fhould condetnnePaul , the holyGhofi fhould bee contrary to himfelfe,and allthofe abfurdities before fpo.d kenofmuffneceííarily follow. CA Ii-Pe.