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That bribery isperniciota to the common-wealth. 229 that there might be found rooms and paflage for an aflè la- den with gold to enter into it. But much moredoth this cor- ruption abound in our times; for wholeeth not, that it isan vfuall thing in the timeof warre (as the prouerbe is)Argen- teis haßispugnare, to fight with filuer pikes,to vnderniine a State with inner pick -axes, and to batter dcwne the walles ofthebelt defenced City with thefe golden bullets ? Neither do the great Commanders of thefe times vfually bring their forces againfl any country or city, or venture to winne it by inuafìon and afllault , before they hauefirfi madewayvnto themfelues by large gifts , andby corrupting bribes haue madea great party of theaduerfe fide , orat leaf}Come fpe- ciall men, who may giue them fromtime to time fecret in- telligence of all affairesof the State , ofoportttnitiesto bee vied, and impediments tobe remoued , andwhowill when occafion ferues, betray their country,' as much as in them lieth, into theenemies hand. Andby thismeanes more ci- ties are lacked, and morecountries fubdued, then by force ofarmes and dint of fword : yea in truth , fodoth this bri- bing corruption infeft all States in thefe dales , that were it not that thePrinces and goucrnors (being taught by mani- fold experience thegreatnetie ofthisdanger)had a mof+vi- gilant eye to forefec and fpie out thefe mifchiefcs,and a fee nere hand to punifh treachery when it is difcoucred,fcarce any Statewouldremaine vnlhaken, and vnruined , by thefe. corrupt courfes. Lafily, bribing is pernicious to thecommonwealth , as §,SeET , t o0 being in it felfe a notable meanes to bring it todcllrudion; Brìbingbrin- fór not onely it ouerthroweth iuflice and truth, which are as geth the cow it were the finewes,wherewith al States are flrengthencd and rn°a_tGeauhto held together, and cuen the very pillars vpon which the dear aiox. good and fafetyof ail common-wealthes are built ; which being taken away, theStatemuft needs be weakened, difi- paredand brought to ruing: but allo it inflameth the fire of Godswrathagainfl that country where it muchaboundeth, andbringeth downs his fearefull judgements vpon it,wher- by it will (bone be deflroycd, thoughtherewere no enemies to oppofeagaintl it . Andasthis truth is warranted by ma- G g 3 nifold