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Pro,sp 4. 230 Thatbribery isperniciousto the common-wealth. nifold experienceof there times, foby the infallible wordof Godwhichcannot lie. SoProu.2,9.4.AKing by ivafgement maintaineth the country,but aman receivinggtfts deftroieth it. The Prophet Ezechiel alto reckoncth this iinne of bri- bing amonga thofe capitali finnes , which nnoued the Lord to bring vpon Icrufalern,defiru6ion and dcfolatior.Ezech. Ezcch,st,IZ. 22.1 Z. 14.1 s. TheProphet Micah likcwifc,hauing(hewed that all forts ofruiers amonga the peopleof luda werecor- ruptedwith bribing, faith,that for this caufe,Zienfhouldbee plowedas afield, and Ierufalem fhould bee madean heapeof flows,and themountaine ofthe hotsfe,as the highplaces ofthe Mich. PI .It fareff:Mich. 3.I 1.12. g. SeC1 . Bribing ta the dare,mbereby infu f. iost enter. CHAP. V. That thefaneofbribing is exceedinghateful! to the Church. Vt as the (inneofbribing is pernicious to the common-wealth; Colikewifcit is exceeding hurtful to the Church. For as Judasbeing poircied with greedy couetoufnetfe,carcd not tobetray our head lefusChrifl fora re- ward,faying vnto the high Prins, what will youglue meandI wil betray him ; (oche greedy patronesof cheledaies,intendingonely their ovine gaine,flicknotto be- tray the bodyofChrif},iowit,hisChurch into the hands of Ieroboams Prieu s, made of thebale (t ofthe people, in the firli place demandingwithludu,whatwiiyougiueme;neuer regarding in the mcancwhilehow few their graces be, whb they prefent, fo their gifts be many ; nor howvnfit they are to teach the people, fo theyarc fufficient to bring large re- wards,orat teat} to fubfcribevntobonds,bywhich theyex- clude théfelucsfrom the greatctl part oftheir liuing.Where- by it cvmeth topaire ,that the people wanting inflru61i6,are detiroicd for want of knowledge, and remaining blinded with ignorance, are made an eafie pray to befcduccdand m (lead into errors andheretics, by the Prietls,Iefuites,Pa- pUis,