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Thatbribery Is hurt frsh'to the Church. 211 pins, Brownias, Famili(ls, and all otherfeaarics and wic- kedheretiques.Of all which milchicfes the corrupt bribing, which is vied in thefc daics, is theprincipal( saute; for ifit were not for the gifts of thepurfe, the gifts of the mtndc would be retrace' and preferred . But let all lush corrupt patrons kno.v, that they arc no better then facrilegious thecucs in the fight ofGod and mcn,who by robbing the Church offuch linings, which are dedicated and confecra- tcd vntoGod for holy vfcs , doe make both therp(elues and their families liable to Gods heauy plagues & fearful iudgc- rcnts. For if I3a1thafar was cut otfin Gods wrath fordrink - ing in the vac'softhe Temple, which his predece(for Ne- buchadnezer had vniu(ily brought intohis treafury ; then what (hal become of theni,who haue not only themoil part oftheir plate madeofChurch- mettalI; butallo haue ('acrile- gioutly taken thebread which theycate, and the meare and drinkewhich they continually feed upon, outofthe Chur- Dtu.S. ches (lorehoufe? If Ananias and Sapphira were fmitten with prclent dcath,forkeeping back part of theprice whichwas railedout of their owne po(ffffions, after it was confccratcd to the Churches maintenance; then what death and con- demnation is due vnto them , who violently rob and fpoilc the Church of her owne reuenuesand lawful! right,vnto which God inhis word, and good Princes by their lawes haue intitled it; andwherewith others tendringmoreGods, glory, and the flourifhingc(}ate of the Church , then their ovine particular,haue richly and religiously endowed ir? Secondly , by this bribing, cuco thole Miniflers which g,sect.1. areable to teach the pcople,arefocorrupted,rhat they (peak Eybeibing, not thole things which areprofitable, but luch thingsas arefuffreient112i- laufrble to their bcnefac`fors; they daube ouer their faults Rrflers aye with vncempered more, r, protni(ing peace where theLord corrrpted.. denounceth warre, and immunity frompunr(hment,when the (word ofGods iudgement is already drawne, and ready to (lrike. And ofthisco'ruprió the Lord accufeth the Pric(ls oftudah,M+ch.,3. i z.The thereofiudgefor rewards,RndMich.3 IX the Priefts thereof teachfor hire, and the Prophets thereof prophet),for money,&c. CUAPr