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i1,,at bribery is pernácleue tot e 7-r- er rot 3 will make him fobale andfordidous,that there is no prayof frith final value,which wit not make him floope toleanvp- on it,no courfe or carriage fo inhumane , di(honourableand diL1 oncfl,whichhe will not becontent to takeandvfe, for the inhauntingof his gatne . This thewile man obtru d in his owno experience : Prou.2 g.2 I. To haue re eíßofperfons is notgood ; for that man Wid tranfgref e forapeece ofbread, Pr0n, And theLord accufeth the rulers of Ierufalcm,not onely for perucrting iudgemcnt,but alfo that they werebale andCordi- dous in their bribing,polluting Gods name bytheir iniuflice for handfuls of barlie andpeeves of bread, Ezcch. i 3.19. In Ezccia.t ;. s,. which refpeâ fuch corrupt Iudges arc fitly compared to a paire of fcoles,whichwhen they feeme tnoit equall,will in. cling to either fide by the additionof the leaf} waight, and turne againe to the contrary fide , when that waight is ouer- poifed with agreater. Fourthlic, this (inne of bribing doth make a man liableS5.Sc17,4, andobnoxious to Gods fearcfuh iudgements both in ofhis pesfon and (} re- Bribing ob- of the we hauean ex- ketha man ípecflue . xoxioua t ample in Gehezi , who taking an vnlawfull bribe fromNa- Gods fearejKll aman, had that heauy punilhment of lothfomeleprofic in- Gds feats, fli6ied,bothvpon himlelfe andall his poficrity : and for the 2x Z g. s z 6, other it is faid,thatfirfpaced tcby r ecclu geaards to 10' S'3M 15.34 And howfoeuc petucrt iuflice and truth)coaduanccthetnfelucs and theirs to great wealth and plentyof all things , yet in theend this ri- cheswill melt and vaniíh away, and tholewho lately flouri- thed in their vniufi courfcs,thall be brought into pouerty& i.`.t calamity,aceorslmgto thePaying oftheWifeman, Prou.t+ Thegathering of treafure by deceitful tongue,is vanity tof- fed to andfroofthem that pekedeath. 7. Therobberieofthe wicked fhald deroy them , for they haue refuted to execute Sbte,S. in- iudgement, Brir br Fiftly,it bringeth vponChore who are corrupted with it, getb ryodt br Gods beam, curie andmaledi6lion , asappeareth, Deur.27, turf, wieand 25. Curfedbee bee that taketh a reward toput todeath inno- drjlrut#ion. cent blond. It maketh them fuhica to that fearefull woe dc- DDfa t. 02: pounced, Efa. 5.zo, Woe unto themthat fpea6Zegoodof eusil f 5 3 I.1 h