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rnrczotts to t e rider h m lfe. 41,7dcuillofgood.which put lightfordarkeneffe,anddarkeneffe. for light, &c. 23. Which iuflifce the txic/Zedfor reward,and takeaway the rrghteoufneffeofthe righteousfromhim. Yea it brtngeth upon them utter dcüruuton ; For as thefirede-, ;soureth theflubble,and s. theflameconfumeth their roote¡hal be al-rottennefe , eir their bud/halrife. vp likedug becaufe they haue call offthe lawoftheLordofhofis,and car,= temned the wordofthe holy one of /frael As it ìs,verfa4, .3etl,G. La(Ily,by thole bribing court-es they dilìnherite ncent- I?riberyd1f tcluesof their heauenly patrimony , and letto Cale the king - inheritcthmen dome ofheaucn for earthly and bale prifes : for they that ofbeauen. take rewards again(} the innocent (hall neuer dwellin Gods Ptal,15.5, holy morntaine,as it is,Pfal,i 5.5So the queflion beingal- ked who fhould dwell with the deuouring fire , andwith the euerlafling burnings; that is,with the Lord, who is called a Deuc.4,24. confurning fire,Deur,4.24. Heb. z 2,29,anlu ere is made, het Ec5;i :.:9, that wall çth in iufíce,andfpeaketh righteous things, refwftne g.tine ofopprefon fhaking hishandsfro takingofgifts,&c.he Thaldwel on high, &c. as it is Efa. 3 3.1 5. t6.So that he who Eia,r3., ß,t6 gaincth by oppref3ìon, and filledi his hands with bribes,can neuer indure Gods glorious pretence: but 111a1 be confumed like f}ubblc with this deuouring fire . To the fame purpofe P3o15, -y is thar,Prou.I5.27. hee that hatethbribesfhallliue; whereby contrariwife is implied, that he who loucth bribes (hall not liue, neither the life ofgrace in this world , nor thelifeof glory in the world to cornea Byall which it is cicareandmanifef}, that the briber loü feth in his greatef}gaine , for while!} by his wicked and vn- iu(I courfes,hecompaffeth Come earthly trifles,he forgoeth all his title and interefl in Gods glorious kingdoms, and through his worldly prophancneffe& fottifh folly, he doth with Efau makePale ofhis fpiritual bit thright for ametre of: pottage, or luch like tranfitory vanitiesof like value , and leiTe nece(íìty, Whilef} he prouideth for his bodie,hee de- f}roieth his foulc : whiled he laboureth after earthly things which are vaine and momentany,helofeth heauenly things, .Cor,4,17 tun that fupereacellenr and eternal' waightofglory.And whilef} he hourdeth vpthercwards of iniquity, andgold which