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7`he cone/Him. 33g which (hall perifh with him : hee forgoeth the fruition of the immortali God , in whole prefence is fulneife ofioy,and at whole right hand arc pleafures for euermore : Pfalme aG,Yi. Pfal.ró.it; And thus haueI (hewed the greatncfl'cofthis finneof bri- §.Sei;t.7o berie, and .he manifold cuils uhich it bringcth both to pri- Theconch! Late perfons, and focieties : to wholecommon- wcalrhs,and j7°n to the briber himfclfc . Nowas this finne is ofextraordinary firength to hold men in fubief}ionvnto it,both in regard of the corruptionofmansnature which is mot} prone to inter- Caineir,and in refpc9ofthe vniucrfality of thisfinne, and the mighty patrons which both countenance it with their pra6iife,and defend it with their power : fo myBarnet}prais- er vnto almighty God is,that he will ioyne with my labours a more then vfuall blefíing,andan extraordinary vernieand power of his holy fpirit, to beate downe this (}tongholdof finne, and to bring vs in fubiec4ion tohis will, not onely in thingsprofitableand,gaineful,but allo in thofewhich feeme accompaniedwith loge and hindrance . That fo refpc ing nor our owne particular gaine, but hisglory, and doing - him faithful] fcruicein this life, we may raigncwithhim in eternal) glory in the life to come . The which mercy bee vouchfafc for his Chrifis fake:to whomwith theFather and the holy Spirit,be all honour andglo- áie, praife , power and dominion now and for euermore. e4men. FINIS.