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To the Chriftian R ader. Onfidering the vniucrfail infection of this contagious difeafe of the Soule, ''^ °' NivsT ANGER, and the mani- ``- 1 foldpernicious culls which it worked), ` both private and publique, I thought good to prefcríbe out of Gods word, fotne remedies for thofe Patientswhich arecommit- ted to mycure, whereby they might eitherbee pre- ferued from there feuerlike fits, which caufemenout- wardly to (hake and tremble, when as inwardly they are moll inflamed, or elfehaue their heate fomewhat allaied and abated , when they are already fallen into them . The whichmy prefcript I thought at the firft fhould haue beene communicated to no more then mine owne Patients , till I was perfwaded bymore skilfullPhyfìtions thenmy felfe, that the publifhing thereof might redound toothers profit.And thcrfore defiring. nothingmore then to exercife mypoore ta- lent to theglory of mymailler who bellowedít, and the benefit ofmy fellow feruants , for whofe good alío I haue received it, I willingly condefcended to their motion . And for asmuch , as I hadonely fhadowed arude draught without colour orcountenance, I was faine to take a review of my worke , altering fome things, and adding othersas it were new lineaments, A 3 which