To the thrift/an Reader. which I thought more fit for the Pare then for the Pulpit . Ifany thinke me too quicke inpraaife , they will (I hope ) excufemee,if they confider that I make experience of my flender skill , not in thevitali parts, but in the feereof the foule,namely theaffections: and yet the curingofthem , or but this one ofthem , may greatly redound to the benefice of the whole; for as thedifeafes ofthe Lem doe. gricue the heart, andof- fend the head, and the curing and healingof them loth eafe and comfort bóth , fowhen the affeations are dif}empered being infeaed with the contagion ofour originall corruption, euen the chiefe parts of the foule, the Vnderflanding and Will , arenot a lit- tle diflurbed and difordered , by receiuing from them their contagious poilution.And thereforehewhocan skilfullypurge thefe neather parts,íhal cafe the high- er,by drawing downe thofe corrupt humours which doeoffend andannoy them . Seeing then there may comeby my pra&ife great goodwith little danger,I baue the rather aduentured thecure : beeing cónten. ted to vndergoe the cenfure of fotve for too much hafl,who (I fearemee) are in thefecafes as much too flow,to theend that I may to the vttermofi ofmy skill benefit many.TheLordwho is the onely true Phyfiti- onof foules difeafed with finne, bleffe this and all o- thermy indeauours that they may bee profitable for the fetting forthof his glory, the benefit ofmy bre- thr en, andfurthering theaffuranceof mineowne ff1- uation. Amen.