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t A TREATISE OF Anger , wherein the lawfull vfe, and the vnlawfullabufeof thisaffe&ion, is (hewed out ofGods word. Ephefians Beangryand fannenot,let not the Sunnegoe downeon your wrath. x AP. I. HE miferahlc ruines of our excel- lent Rare by creation, which were g.Sea. the lamentable cffe is following the finne of our fir(} parents , and the foule fpotsoforiginall corrupti- on, which like a contagious lepro- tìedtrived from them have infected all their poflerity, doe not fo eui. dently appeare in any part ofthe bodyor foule, as in the affections , which arc fo corrup- lted and difordered that there fcarce remaines any (mall re- liques oftheir created purity . And hence it is that the. hea- then Phiiofophers though they did not perceiue howmuch the bright fhiningbeamcs of our reafon , and the vnderflan - ..cling part of the foule, weredimmed and darkened with the foggy