2 That the a,ffeCtionsare exceedingly corrupted. foggie mills of originali finne, but highly extolledwith o- uer partial( praifes , the excellency and perfeaion or them, yet they plaincly difcerned tic great corruption ofour dif- ordered affc6tions,in(omuch that Come of thembeingotter- fwaied with too great vehemency of affeóuion in (peaking againtl the affcdions, haue condemned them as limply, and in their owne nature euill,and thereforewholy to beea- bandoned, fecingtherewas no hope they fhJuld be amen- ded : others with a more iudicìall inlight difccrning between the things themfclucs and their corruption , haue written ,whole tradates for the reforming of them , efleeming the chicle toppe andperfaClion of wifdome to conffl; in the well gouerning andordering of thefe difordcred and tumul- tuous pallions. If then the heathen Philofophers walking in the darke night ofignorance and crrour , and illightened onelywith a fmall glimmering (parke of naturali reafon, could thereby both difcerne their corrupt atfc lions,and alfo did (ludic to reforme andbring them vndcr the ruleofreafon, howmuch more earnefllyfhould we endeauour not fomuchtomarihall themvndcr the condudì of naturali rcafon , which is it Celle but ablind lcader,as to reforme and purge them by theword ofGod,which like a glorious fhining Sunne, bath difpeiled the foggy miffs of ignoranceanderrour , and fo difcoucred all thefpots and deformities of them, farce moreclearcly then our blind reafon. And as we are carneffly to labour for the reformingof all the afFc ions ,fomoti carnclìly ofall thisof anger, which of all other is moil turbulent and violent :fit be not bridled and reflrained. And for our betterfurtherance in fo good an endeauour , I haue made choice of this text , tothe end I might thew how farce forth anger is to b <: 1pprooued and imbraced , and inwhat refpett it is tobe atte_dcd and fhun- ned. In handlingwhereof! will fiat Phew tilt meaningof the words,and afterwards inmate oftheir feuetail pa: ts, In %ewing the meaning of the words I will firll define what