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4 Thedsfcnitian of Anger explaned. Anger, which either fignifieth throtling and choking, or vexation and griefe, becaufe anger worketh both thefe ef_ fees if it be immoderate : for it flops the throateleauing no paffage for words,and it vexeth and tormenteth both the bodyand the mind. Tile definition And fo much for the name : now wewill fpeakeof the explained. definition. Ertl I fay it is anaffedion,for the wholeoffence of a man confifleth of thefe three things, body, foule, and affeaions,which doparticipate ofboth the other : now an- ger cannot be Paid to be a quality or propertyof the foule alone, for the materiali caufe thereof is the boyling of the bloud about theheart,nor ofthe bodyalone,for the formal caufe, namely, the appetite and delire of reuenge flirtedvp by the apprehenfion of the iniury offered, lothmorepro- perly belong to the foule, and therefore I call it amixt affe- ¿lion proceeding from them both. I adde the materiali eaufe, namely the heating of the bloud about the heart, which heat or inflámation is culled by the apprehenfion of the injury offered, or the diflike which the heart conceiueth of the iniury apprehended v%rhich is either in truth an iniury, or but in opinion and ap- pearance onely : for anger hath not alwaies a truecaufe, but fometime fained & imaginary : and this materiali caufe ( namely the heating of the bloud by apprehenfionof the iniury) the formali caufe followed), that is to fay, an appe- tite or delire ofreuenge, for before weedelire to reuenge the iniury, we firfl apprehend and feele it, which delire is either iufi or vniufl : iufl, if we be angry for a iifl caufe, 'with thofe with whomwe ought to be angry, after a iufl manner, obferuing a fit time, and to a good end : vniuft, if thefe circumflances be not obferued. Furthermore in this definition the caufc of anger is expreffed, namely iniu- ryoffered (forangeraiwaies prefuppofeth iniury) and the fùbie& thereofwhich is the heart, as alfo the obie6i,towit, reuenge of the iniury. And