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Of thends of Anger. 5 And fo much for the generali definition of anger : now Sea.:, axe are toíhew the diners forts thereof, or rather the diucrs Thckndref acceptationof the fame affeion. Frft it is taken for the anger. naturall affeaion of anger as it was created ofGod, and c14`" alange'° had his bein in manbefore the fall. Secondly, it is cor- col. arser g Y Sanctified rupted fence the fall by originali finne. Thirdly,as it is re- anger. newed andfancified by Gods fpirit. We are not therefore Thestokes with theStoikes to confound thefe three together,&with- confuted. out difference to condemne them all : for howfoeuer this affe6tion,as it is cortupted is moft turbulent, & ofall others molt pernicious,yet we are to hold that the naturall affecti- on confidered, either as it was created byGod, or fo farre foorth as it is renewed and fanálified by Gods fpirit, is iufi, holy, and lawful'. And this may eafily be proouedby diuers reafons : firli That the afe- becaufe it was createdby God, and was in man before the ¿i,on ofanger fall,and beforeany cuill entred into the world:being there- is in it owne fore the Lords owne workmanfhip, which byhis owne te- naturelaw/,ll annoywas approoued to be very good, Gen.I.3 Land of Gen+r. t greater antiquity thenmill it felfe,it followeth, that theaf- 3 fedion in it own nature is tobe efteemed as good and law- full. Secondly,becaufe in manyplaces ofthc Scriptures it is attributed to Godhmfelfe, Rom. I.i8. theAnger of God is Rom.r.ia. evade manifeft from heaven again., all impiety. Ioh.3.36. hee Ioh,3.36. that l'ci cueth not in the formefhallnot fee life, but the anger of God(hall abide vpen him. Seeing therefore it is afcribed vetoGod,towhole moli perfea and iuft nature nothing a- greethbut that which is iut+ andholy,it followeth that this affe6ion it felfe is fo to be efteemed. True it is,that neither this nor any other affeaion is inGod ifwe fpeake proper - ly,but are only attributed vnto him,that our weake capaci- ties may betterconceiue how he exercifethhis workes and eternal' counfels toward his creatures : But yet forafinuch as nothing is attributedand afcribed vnto him which is not good and iull, fo farre foorth as it is afcribed, it cuidently fheweth that anger in it owne nature is-not mill. B z Laftly