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Mar. 3.5 Ich. 2.1. OSieïtio». I Mat.g.sZ Anfxwre. Ae,were. 6 That thenatur'allaf cairns of Anger is lawfull. Laflly,this manifetdly appeareth in that this afle&tionwas truly andnaturally inour.SauiourChritl himfelfeas hewas man, as it is euident Mark.3.5. where it isfaidc, that he looked angerly vpon the Scribes and Pharifes, mourning for the hardneffe of their hearts : fo likewifc being inci- ted with anholy anger , to fee his Fathers houfe turned in- to a market , he driucth the buyers and fellers out of the Temple, I011.2.17. Seeing then Chrtíl was angry and yet free from all finne, it followeth that Anger in it ovine na- ture is iufl andholy. But it maybe obieeled,that anger is in many placesofthe Scriptures condemned and forbidden : as Mat.5 .22. Hee thatis angrywith hisbrother vnaduifedly,is culpable ofiudge- ment. I anfvv'ere that not anger firuply but vnaduifed anger is there condemned : and in aword,all other places where this afl'eaion is forbidden, are to bevnderflood, not of the affedlion it felfe, as it was created or is renewed byGods fpirit,but as it is corrupted and deprauedwith originali fin : for anger being fanelified, is not onely itt,fl and lawfnll, but alfo commendable, profitable, and very neceffary,as being the whetflone oftrue fortitude, whereby we are furred vp and encouraged to maintaine the glory of God, and our owne perfons and Rates, againfl the impiety and iniuftice of'.men. Thoughanger therefore be but a bad Miflriffe to command, yet it is a good feruant to obey : though it be but an ill Captaine to lead our forces into the field againf} our fpirituall and temporali enemies,yet it is a good fouldi- er fo long as it fubieaeth it felfeto thegouernment anddif cipline of fanUified reafon,, But it is further abieciied by.the Stoikes, that anger is a perturbation ofthemind, and therefore euill. To this I anfwere,that as the perturbationof the mind, which is mo- ued vponvnitíl ca fifes rs alfovrriufl andeuili, fo that which is caufedvpon:iufl and neceffary;occafìons,is iul and com- mendable : as for example,when a man Teeth God difnono- red, religion difgraced, wickedneffe vnpunifhed; if there- fore