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That the naturallof jet`fion of Rnger is lawfufl. 7 forehis mindbe perturbed and troubled, this perturbation is not to be condemned, nay to be commended, and they rather tobe condemned who arenot fo troubled. Thus was our Sauiourperturbed when he fawGods houfe diílionou- lüh. 1.r 7, red, as alfowhen he railed vp Lazarus . thus was `Phinees &L1.23. dif}urbed and troubled in minde, when he faw that fhaine- Norn.24.7. leife finne of .Zimry andCozby : and .Elias when religion 1.King.19 was contemned, idolatry ere6ted, and the Lords true Pro- phets detlroyed. Though therefore anger be a perturbation of the mind, it loth notfollow that it is euill, for not the perturbation it felfe,but thecaufe thereofmaketh it good if i t be good,and euill ifit be euill. Furthermore whereas theyobie& that an- Obiea7ion, 3 ger blindeth andconfoundeth reafon. I anfvvere firff, that ,,snlwere. if anger be temperate and moderate, it doth feruiceably Waitevpon reafon,and not imperioufly ouer-rule it: and ra- ther maketh a man more conf}ant and refolute in walking the path of truth, which hebath difcried with the eieof a cleare iudgement,then any wales dazell or offend the fight, whereby he fhouldbecaufed to fumble in the way, or elfe turne afide into by- pathes of error. Secondly, though it fhould beegranted that for the in-- f}ant,Reafon is fomewhat dif}urbedwith thepaffion,it doth not follow that it is chill or vnprofitable, forbefore the af- fe&ion is inflamed, the Reafon apprehendeth and iudgeth, of the iniury, & fo as it were firikindleth the flame, which, being kindled, doth for the infant perturbe themind, but the perturbation beeing quicklyouer paffed and the minde quieted, Reafon is glade no idle fit thereby to fudge of the iniury, and much more fit to reuenge it. And therefore moderateand fan&ified anger is fo farrefrom hurting and hindring the iudgement of Reafon, that it rather feruicea- blyaideth and fupporteth it,by inciting and incouraging it couragioufly to execute that which Reafon bath iuf}ly de- creedand refolued:as therefore the mof}precions tie-falue dothprefently after it is put into the eie dimme_and dazell B 3 the.