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what Anger it coa»rnetnded, anelwbat forbidden, the Gght,but afterwards caufeth it to fee muchmorecleare- ly : fo this affe6lion ofmoderateandholy anger dothat the firft fomewhat perturbe reafon, but afterward it maketh it much more a6tiue in executing and performing all good deugnes. And fo much for the lawfulneffe ofAnger, both in refpe6t of the firfl creation thereof, and as it is renewed and fan6tified byGods fpirit, as alfo concerning the diuers forts ofAnger. thhat 'angrr is Now in the next place we are to confider whichof thefe commanded is commanded orforbidden in my text. First for theaffe6ti- and mb.nfor on as it was created byGod,howfoeuer it was iuft and holy bidden. in it felfe, yet now the beauty and excellency thereofis de- facedwith the foule fpots oforiginali finne,fo that there re- maine only fomereliques of the perfe tion,wherein it was created,till it be againe renewed and reflored byGods fan- &tying fpirit. This therefore is not here commanded or forbidden, but only that we labourafinuch as may be, that it may come neere his former excellency. The other two forts, namely corrupt and vnfan&ified anger, the one in thefe words is commanded,the other forbidden. The gtuer,Tl Tildewords thereforemay be decided into twogenerali diwifon. parts. The firlt an exhortation orcommandement ,wherein iuft and holy anger is inioyned or commendedvnto vs in the firft words (Beangry) the fecond a prohibitionor de- hortation from vniuft andcorrupt anger, in thenext words (butPannenot) and becaufe by reafon ofour corruption we areprone to fall into it, the Apoftle in the words follow- ing limiteth and reftrayneth it to a fhort time, left it fhould turne into malice. Letnot theSunnegodewne,& though hefhould fay,though through infirmityye fall intorah and vnaduifed anger,yet continuenot inyour finne : Let n,t the SHnnegoedowne onyour wrath. That an. The molt of our new interpreters thinke that the firfl ger u be ere words are rather a permiffion then a precept, and therefore sommandcd. to be vnderffo.od.thus. Ifyou ;eangryfin not; or thus, Are you angry ? pinenot that is, though through infirmity ye fall