That iv, angerit commanded. 9 fall into anger, yet addenot finne vntofinne by continuing in it. ButI fee no reafon why the words fhould be thus wrefled, Peeing therefollowethno abfurdity or inconueni- ence, if they be plainly vnderflood without anyalteration, which cannot beauoided ifwe admit of their, expofition: for I would aske of them whether is here meant a lawfull and iuft anger,or that which is vnlawfull andvniuft? iflaw- full and iuft, why may it not be commanded, feeing it is as neceffary and profitableto the furthering of Gods glory, and our good,as any other fan&ifiedaffe6ion ? ifvniuft and vnlawfull as they vnderftand it, I would know howwe can be angry and finne not. But fay they, if aholy anger were heremeanr,what needeth the conflraint ? Let not theStenne, ec.Seeling the longer it lafied,the rather it were to be com- mended, ifit were iuft and holy. I anfwere thefe words are tobe referred not to the precept (be angry) butto thepro- hibition (butfinnenot) where vniufl anger is forbidden, as before iuft angerwas commanded : and this is manifeft in in the text, for he dothnotfay, Let not theSienne gee downe w, 447 vponyour anger, but, ialTm "VI )1°14 óttrir, vponyour wrath, orvniuf}andinueterateanger, as this word is com- monly vied. So that the fenfe of thefewords is briefly thus much : be angry and fpare not, fo that youranger be iuft andholy,but feeing by reafonofyour infirmity and corruption your iuft angermay eafily degenerate andbecomevnìut},ifdue time, place, perfon, and other circumflances be not obferued, therefore take heed you finnenot, bybeingvniufllyangry, yet if through infirmityye fall into this finne, doe not har- bour it no not one day. Letnot. the Siennegoe downeonyour Wrath. And fo much for the meaning of the words : Now I will intreat oftheir feuerall parts. And firfl concerning iuft anger, what it is, andwhat is, required in our anger that it maybe lull and holy. This anger is an holyand reafonable etefirc.of reuenge flirtedvp invs, vpon iuft, waighty, and neceffary The msar ing ., of the words.,. Ofloftanger. The definition of loft anger.