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I© The caufes o f iuft Inger. neceffary caufes, wherebyWC beeing after a lawfull manner angry with our owne andothers vices and fins, rather then with theperfons,doedelire iuf ly topunifh and revenge the vices and tins, to the end Godmay be glorified, the parties acnended,and that the anger ofGodbeingpacified,may be averted not onely from the party offending, but alto the Church and Common-wealth. Firtt then it is required to . holy and lawfull anger, that the caufe thereof be iuft : now the iuft caufes of anger are diners. Fir(+, when we are mo- The firfl: cauJe. ued thereunto with a realeof Gods glory :for when we fee of iuftahgrr Goddilhonoured,and his glory defaced, it is not only law- full to be angry with the offenders, but all() neceffary : for Gud, weprofeffe our felues tobe Gods fubie&s, now we know that no good fubie& can with patience endure to heare or fee the gloryof his Soueraigne impeached?we profeffcour felues Gods feruants, and what good feruant can abide to fee his mafter difgraced ? we profeffe our felues Gods chit- dren,andgood children aremore grieued&offended when they perceiue that their parents are any wales abufed or in- iured,then ifthe iniuries were offered to thetnfelues: ifther- fore we be loiall fubie&s,faithfull feruants,and louing chil- dren,we cannot choofebut be incited to a holyanger if we fee our glorious Soueraigne,our good , gracious father,by any meanes difhonoured. When Mofes law that the childrenof Ifraell had con- trary toGods expreffe commandement referued Manna till thenext morning, he couldnot containehimfelfe from íhewing this holy anger, whenhe faw his Lord andMa- fters will not obferued,Exod.i 6.20. So that thoughMofes were the meekefl man that was onearth, yet couldhe not with patienceendure,to fee Gods ordinance' contemned.In like manner when he faw that honor and glory whichwas dueonely to God almighty; : deriued toa bale andbrutifh Idoll,he wasprouoked toan holy anger,and fowhollypof- feffed with a &nine and heauenly rage, that he not onely hreaketh;rhe twoTables writtenby Gods owneltand, but (harp l)r Ió[.14, xaaapls. Exo. r Nur3a.i z,3.