The catsfes of iuft anger. z t Iharpely reuengeth this Idolatry with the death of three E:od,3:. thoufandof the offenders. So that though the people were dearer to him then his owne 1ifc,yca then the faluationof his ownef3ulc,yet was the glory ofGodmoredcare and preci- Veife.;n, ous vntohim then cyther ofboth. Phinees altowhen he faw Goddi(honouredwith that fhamclefl'e finne ofZimry and Cozby, being prouoked with anholy anger he reuenged this difhonour, with thedeathof both the of cnderr. Thus alto was Elias zealous for Gods glory, becaufe the Children of 1.Kin.r9.4. Ifraellhad forfakenhis couenant, cafi downe his altars, and flaine his Prophets. And thuswas our Sauiour Chriii poffctled with a fcruent zcalc of his fathers glory, Iohn 2.17. If therefore we would Iohn.s.i . approue our fclues tobeGods Children , wee muti follow their example: andfor as much, as nothing more difhonou- rethGod%then fin, nothing (hould offend and difplcafc vs more then (inne, whether it be inour felucs,or inour neigh- bour. When therefore wee fall into (inne, wee arc to beof- fendedwithour fclues, that fo we may auert the Lords an r,Cor, r t.; t. gcrfromvs; for as they which iudgc themfclues , (}iall not be fudged of the Lord, fo they who arc angry with them- (clues for (inne, (hall efcape the Lords anger. And this our anger mu(I proceed to a holy reuenge. Tholewho haueof- fended by furfetting and drunkenncire, are topunifh them- (clues with faring and abilinence.Thole that haue wallowed themfelucs involuptuous plcafurcs, arc to fubdue and mor- ttfie them, though they bee as Beare and preciousvnto thetas as their right handandtic. Thole who hauedefrauded their neighbor bypurloyning away hisgoods, are with Zaçheru to make re(iitution fourc fold, Luke.' 9.8. And as ware bound by the law of charitie to loue our neighbours as our fclues, Co allo to bee angry with them as with our(-clues, namely , with this holy kindsofanger for (inne. Whenfoeuer therefore wee fee them by their firmes di(honour God we arc to bee difplealed therewith, and fo farte forth as the limits of our callings extend to (hew our C fclues