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6. ro, Ir. I 2 fl'he comps of iug finger. felues offended, according to the example ofthe Prophet leremic,who becaufc thepeople would not hcare the word ofthe Lord,was euen filled with diuine wrath,/cr.6.t 0.i r. But howcold mens zeale ofGods glory is in this age fro- zen in the dregs offin,too lamentableexperience fhewcch: for firfl who almoll is angry with himfelfe for his fins in this refpca, becaufehe bath by them difhonoured God? euery one fheweth fpleene enough ifhis finnes receiue cb- dignepunifhment,but having to do with themfelues,in re- fpea ofthe finne it felfe,they are likemildedoues, without gaule.The adulterer is muchdifpleafed,iffor his finne hebe cnioyned tomask in a white fheete,though therby hehaue deferued death,but the poyfonofhis finne is moll fweet to his enuenomed appetite.The couetous extortioner is much offended ifheebee iuflly deprivedofthat riches whichhee hathvniufllygotten,but lie is not angry withhis finne into which hec is fallenby vniufl comming by them. Theblaf- phemer is enraged ifhe be but reproued forhis blafphemy, though by the lawofGod,he deferueth to die for it, but he is nothing difpleafed with himfelfe for difhonouring the a word euery one is angry with the fmal left punifhment, yet not moued with the greatefl fin:but if we wouldbeangry & fin not,we mull not be fo much dif- pleafed for incurring that punifhmét which we haue iully dcferued, as that byourfinnes we haue difhonoured God. And the likeabufe there is ofouranger towardsothers: men are Toone flirred vp to choller againil their neigh- bours, vpon euery flight occafion andPhewof iniury offe- red tp themfelues, though it be but an vnkindcword,or a millaken (peach, or but a orange countenance, but when God is difhonoured,his name blafphemed,his religion de- rided, his Sabbaths prophaned,his whole woríhip and fern nice contemned, they can lookevpon the offenders with a fimilingcountenance and fo confirme them in their finne, or ifthcy beangry, theywill eithernotbe iccne in itat all, or elfe they will Phew it after fo colda manner that it (hall hardly