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The mutes ofiug finger 13 hardly be difcerned. Whereas if there be the loll injury offered to themfehies,thev cancontaine their fury inno li- mits,till it be fatisfiedwith reuenge eucnvnto blond. But ifwewould approue our felues to be Gods Children and feruants, we mull be as truly zealous of his honour and glory as ofour owne credit and reputation. The fecond caufe ofiufì anger is,when iniurie is vniuffly §,ses{,5 offred unto our felues:for by the law ofGod we arc bound The (icon(' to feeke the perferuatib ofour ownegood name and tlate: caufe of iuft and therfore whé either ofthem is violated or impeached, anDer is inju- ry may iuflly vfe the aide ofthis holy anger in defending m seelFc. our felues &repelling iniurie,yea alfo in taking fuch reuége as is fit in refpe&ofour callings:that is byvnfheathing the Sword ofIuflice, if it be committed into our hands , or by feeking thehelpofthe Magiflrate, ifour private eflatewill not admit vs tobe our own caruers.Many examples might be brought to clearethis point ifit were neceffary.Though Afofes were the meekefl man lining , yet when hee was contumelioufly abufed byCorah andhis companion s, it is Paid he waxedvery angry, and prayed vino the Lord that Num.t F,r S. he fhould not refpe& their offerings Num.16. i 5. though the Apoflle Paulwere ofmore thé an admirable patience, yetbeingvniufily finittenby the commaundement of the high Priefi , he fheweth his anger by a (harp reproofe. AL23. a. yea our Sauiour Chrifi the liuclypi6ure oftrue Aft 13.2. patience, when contrary to all Iuilice hee was firokenby lohn.18.z the highPriefls feruant, he fhewethhimfelfe difpleafed by 3. his reprehenfion ; though at that timehe offered himfelfas it were to fuffcr all contumelious iniuries,which pride afhi- fledwith malice could imagine or impofe. But here it may be obie&ed that our Sauiourhath taught ohiet1ion, vs ifwee haue recelued a blow on the onechecke to turne Mac. s. 39. fi+ere. the other. I anfwere that Chrifis meaning is not,that wee .ln fhould expofeour felues toall iniuries,but that we fhould refraine from private reuenge without any calling there- unto,whichhewouldhaue fo farre fromvs, that rather we Ç 2 fhould