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5.Sea. 6. The third tau('e Af ;till a4ger u injurie offered to our neighbour. At 7. 14. a.Sarn.z3,2I. Neh.f.6, Bernard. G rcgoric. 7fClef. 7.5. 14 The caufes of iuff eArnger. íhouldbe ready to receiue anew iniurie, then vniuffly re- uenge thatwhichwe haue receiued. The third caufe of iufl anger is when iniurie is offered to our brethren:foras by the law ofcharitie we arebound to loue them as our felues,fo the fame law bindeth vs to be angry for thofe injuries which are offered veto them, as if they wereoffered veto our felues.And thus was Alofes an- grywith theEgyptian who wronged the Ifraelite, Thus was Dauidangry with e4mmo71 for deflowring his filler. 2. Sam. 13.21. and withÁbfalon for his cruell mur- theringofArnmon.And thus was goodNehemie prouoked to anger when he faw thepeople opprefled. Nch.5.6. And this anger is not onely lawfull butalfo neceffary, and the neglea thereofa grieuous fin inGods fight, as we may fee in the example ofElie:for whyhis fonnes abufed theLords people,andhe would not for their finne fhew his anger in corre&ing them,otherwife then bymild and louing admo- nitions,his indulgéciemoued the Lord to infliavpon him amofl heauiepunifhment, Et quia ira Eli tepuit infrlios,ira Dei exarfit in ipfum Becaufeeliehis anger was luke -warme towards his fons , the anger of Godwaxed firehot againft him,and that iuffly:for as one faith, Non irafci cum oportet, etnollepeccatumemendare. Not to bee angrie when iuft caufc is offered , is to sill the amendment ofPanne , and not to hinder finne when a man bathgood opportunitie,and a lawfull calling thereunto is tobecome acceffarie. But as they offend againfl the partie who is injured, fo alto againfi himwho doth the iniurie. For by not (hewing themfelues offended,they giueapprobation, andby gjuing approbation they countenance and confirme hint in his finne. Whereas ifthey (hewed their difpleafure it might bee anotable meat es to reclaime him, by working in his hart a confederation ofhis offence , forwhichhee is repro- tied. And in this refpeé Salomon faith that anger is better then laughter,forbyafadcourrtenáce thehart is madebetter. Ecclef. 7. N. And