rbe ci efei of let anger. T5 And fo much forthciu(l caufcs of anger : but there is §.Seff.6. further required toholy and lawful! anger, not oncly that The caul( of the caufe be iut+ , but alto waightie andofTome importance; iuf# anger mull= for ifeuery (mall trifle be fufficient toprouokc vs to anger, be znargbtie. well may wee manifefl great lu(lice , but without quetlion wee (hall (hew little loue : for lone fuffereth long , it is not eafilyprouoked to anger, it fuffereth all things. i . Cor. 13. ,,Cor, 13. 4. 4.5.7. It couereth a multitude of linncs, r.Per.4.8. how 5 7. little loue therefore haue theywho are angry vpon euery l.Pct.4.8. (mall and trifling occafion, how iu(t fo euer it bee ? Let vs then before wee let the raynes !Dole to anger, confider not oncly ofthe iufinctfeof the caufe, but allo whether it bee light or waightie; and if we finde that it is but a trifle, Weareeither wifely to diifemble it, or mildely to patTe it ouer, knowing that inmany things weoffend all: if waigh- Iam.3,a. tie thenwe maynot onely iutlly,butaltonecelfarilywee arc bound to thewouranger; for it is no lelfe a fin to (hewmildc- nes where the Lord requireth anger, thenanger where he requirethmildene(fe. And fo much for the caufes ofour anger : now we are to fpeakeof the manner , wherein firfl this general! rule is to be obferucd,thatwe vfe moderation, leaf+we mingle there- with our corrupt& carnali anger, and fo it degenerate into Bcthlyanger, and from that to fury. Let vs thereforeherein imitate theLordhimfclfc, who in wrath remembrethmer- cie; and not fo beecarried away with the violenceofanger, that in themeane timewe forget loue. Andon theother .fide wcarcnot withEly tobealtogether remitfe andmilde,when either Gods glor,yy or ow neighboursgood requireth, that we fhould (hew lull anger, & fo byapprouing the fm for his fake that offendeth, make our felues acceffary to the fin, and confequently Pubic& to thepunifhment;but wemull keepe the meane if we will approue our anger tobe iutl and holy. The negic l whereof caufeth many to fall into finne The negleï of for lomeifthey can maske their deformed anger vnder the 7." ne lea faire vtfard ofa lull pretence, they thinke theymay lawfully C 3 Phew §.Sert.8. gnat it requi- redto iafan- ger in refpell of themanner. i .Moderation.