y.Sea.g. 2. chrs(li sn enodeflie and shsr1tie. 6 The obieCt of iuf! anger. 1i- cw all violence and fury in their affeó ions : but let fuch men kuow,that though the caufe oftheir anger be neuer fo iufl,yet in the manner they grieuoufly fume againfl the rule ofCharitie;in refpeawhereof theymay fitlybe compared to cruell hangmE, who hauinga iufl caufe to execute their office(namcly the Iudges lawfiill cominaundement)doe in the execution thcreofvfe all barbarous crucitie : fo they being commaundedby God to bee angry with the finnes oftheir brethren, feeme glad theyhaue gotten fuch an oc- cafion to fhew their rage and fury. But howfoeuer fuch men pretend the goodly title ofIullice,yet if they bee vn- tasked there will appeare nothing but rancour and ma- lice,difguifed under this faire pretext: for let their fried to whom they are,and niufl bee much beholden,commit of- fences farmmorenotorious, and they who Teemed almofl chocked with a (mall gnatte,can finde roome in their con - fciences to fwallow a pill of finne as bigge as a Camell, ifit bee fugcred ouer with the fwect title offriendfhip. Othersvnder pretence ofa mildeor patient nature, are content to heareGod difhonoured,his fcruants fcorned,& all religion difgraced;but turfedbe fuchmildenefke as cau- feth vs tobetray the glory ofGod and his truth, by hold- ing our peace and winking at the offenders. Thefe men who are fo milde and modefl indefendingGods caufe that they are readie to blufh if they but in a word Phew their diflike offinne,as though they had done that whereofthey might be afhamed, will blufh and fwell for anger iftheir owne credit be but touched, or their reputation fuffer any difparagement; and whence doth this proceed but from the ouer much loue ofthemfelues, and ouerlittle loue of God? whence is this baflard mildneffe but from pride, the mother ofeuilI, which canfeth them to feeke the prayfe of humanitie and curtefieby betraying Gods glory? The fecond thing required in the manner,is that we ob- (crue Chriffian modeflieand charitie, in abflaining from malicious and wicked fpceches,or vniuf} and fpightfullac- tions