The c4ufes of iut eA g r. 17 tions in exprefsing our anger: and to this purpofe wee are alwaies to remé'ber ofwhatfpirit we are; for vndoubtedly how iufl fo euer our caufe be , if we defend it with fpite- full and bitter ípeeches it is not the fpirit of God which fpeaketh in vs. Let vs rather follow the example ofour Sa- uiourChrifi , who when he was buffeted and grofely abu- ièd,reproucd the offender with great mildnefle,and ofAli- chaelth'archangell,who when hee firone with the Diuell himfelfe abosst the body of Mofes , dur/f not blamehimwirli cssrfedifeat ig,but Paid the Lord rebuke thee. The third thing required is , that in our anger there bee obferued a fit decorssm, and duerefpcé , and that both in regardofthe partie himfelfc,whoisprouoked to sngcr,and alto the other, with whombee is angry; for firfl in refpc ofthe partie himfelfe,he is not tobehaue himfelfe alike in what place and calling foeuer he be :for ifhe be a Magi- 'Irate, he is to Chew his anger not onely in countenáce and word, but alto ina6tion; ifhee be a fatherhee is not with Elie toPhewhis difpleafure tohis rebellious fonnes onely by mildeadmonition , but alto bydifcreet corre6hon : on the other fide it is fiwfficicnt for himwho is a private man ifhe manifeft his anger in wordor countenance. Nay,it is vnlawfull for him toproceede any further, vnlef a his cal- lingwarrant him thereunto. Againe,the offenders arenot tobe vied all alike , a meane privatc man is not to (hew hint anger in the famemanner to a noble man or a Magifirate, as hewould to his equal' or inferior, for though heemay iufily be angry with his finse, yet he is toreuerence his place and calling. The Sonnemuft not Phew his anger to- wards his father,as the father fhewethhis towards his fon, for he is bound to feare and reuerence his perfon, though hee iuftly hatehis finne. Andboth thefepoints haue the Saints from time to time duely obferued :Alofes a Magifirate to whom the fword ofIufiice was committed, whenbee was prouoked to an- ger by the finrre of the people, did not onely Chew his anger Iohn 18. s3. Inde 9; 3.4 fit deco- rum and due reJpeíl of the parties. Examples.