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18 The bief1 ofiit e4nger. anger in countenance or by a milde admonition , but by Exod. ;z, :7. vnfheathing the fwordof Iuflice,and iufily punifhing the offenders for their execrable Idolatry.John Baptiff hauing onelyauthoritie tovfe the fwordof the Spirit,beingoffen- Mat.; 7. ded with the hypocrifieofthe Scribes andPharifes,expref feth his anger by (harpeand vehement repreheníons : Ia- Gen.31 36' cob being aprivateman,fhewethhis anger towards chum lifhLaban his father in law , bymilde and gentle admoni- x.Sam. ao.34. tions. Ionathanbeing iuflly incenfcd by the barbarous ty- ranny riling fromthe table andhdepaLing. The thrreee Children though witha godlyzealc they abhorred the Kings pro. phane Idolatry , yet they (hewed their difpleafure inhum- ble and refpetiuewords.And fo thoughPaul detefled the Ats 15, gentilifine ofFeffu.s and Agrippa, yet he vied themwith all due refpe&, as it befeemed their highcalling. By all which examples it is manifef},that we are tovfe Chrifiian feetne- lineffe anddifcretion,ifwe wouldhaue our anger approued as iufl and holy. §.SeEi'.i r. And fomuch for the manner of our anger : in thenext The obieoï of place we are to fpeake ofthe obiea therof;& that nau(}not aufl annrr be the perfon of ourneighbour,buthis vice,fin,& iniuflice. For thoughwee are to beangry at,yca,tohate thevices of inen,yet we are to loue their perfons,and in the middefl of our anger, toPeek their good , efpecially the faluationof their foules, & in regardhereof, we ought to grieue more for their fin, then for the injuries, which by their fins they haue offeredvs : and thus was holy Dauid affe6ed, whole zeale did euen confume him, becaufe his enemies had for- Pfa1.119.139. gotten theword ofthe Lord. Pf t 19. 139. & fuchwas the anger ofour Sauiour Chrifl, who in the midi} therofdid Mark. 3f mourne for thehardnes oftheir harts. Mar.3.5.But on the other fide, we are to take heed that we do not approue of the fin for the offédcrs fake, for we ought tohatefin in our fricnds,parents,yea inour ownharts,orwherfoeuer els we find it,& introwife to loue this deadlypoifon,though it be brought