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rye obieEt ofiuff 19 brought tovsin a veffellof gold neuer fo precious in our cies.Hcre therefore wemuff avoid two extremes,theone to hate the perfonfor the fins fake : the other to loue the fin for the perfös fake: for as we would condemn his follywho wold loath anexquifite pidure,becaufeit had a fpot ofdirt vponit, or his that fhould foextremely dotevpon the rare workmanfhipof fo excellét;a feature, that he alfo wouldbe in loue with the dirt for thepiáures fake, andon theother fide,cômend his wifdom who fhould fo like the pi6ure, as in the mean time hedifliketh ofthedeformity.Soalike foo- lifh is hewho wil be angry at theperfôofman it felf,which was formed after Gods owne image, becaufe this image is fpotted anddefiled with fin, oncc whowill like &approue of fuchfilthy corruption&deformities wherewith it is de- faced; but he is trulywifewho fohateth thepolluted fpots offin,that in the mean time he loueth Gods excellent work- manfhip, and fo efieemeth ofthe workmanihip, that he is muchdifpleafedwith thepollution which deformeth it.But the pra&ife oftheworld is far otherwife :for men will hard- ly be a friend to theperfö,but they will be a friend to the fin alfo,or an enemy to the finne,but theywill withall maligne the perfon ; or elfe that which is worfe, theywill hate the perfon of their neighbour and loue hisvice. And fo much for the obie& of iuft anger. The fourth SeEt. r 2. thing to be confidered in iufl anger, is the time,which mutt The time of be fhort. Not that it is vnlawfull to continue long inanger "` anger, ifit continue iuf}, but leaft our holy anger by reafonof our corruption degenerate into malice. For as the molt pure wine doth in time waxe lower vpon the dregs ; fo our malt holy anger if it be long retained, is in dangerof receiuing Come fowernes ofmalice from the dregs ofourcorruption. The fafcfl thereforeand beet courfe, is quickly to be appea- red, efpecially if the party offending Phew fgnes of repen- tance, either for his fin towards God, or his iniury offered vntovs: for feeing vpon hearty forrowGod pardonethand forgiueth,let vs not retaine that which he remitteth. D And