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ÿa Theends of fiuf finger. Sea. t 3. And fomuch forthe time. The !aft thing tobe confidered The ends to be is the end,which(ifwewould have our anger iuft and holy) propounded in mutt be iutt and holyalfo. Ihe end ofour anger is iult and isfi anger. holy,when thereinwe propound vnto our fclues either the glory ofGod, or the publike good oftheChurch or .Com- mon-wealth, or the private benefit of himwho either ful T4 story of fereth or loth the iniury. Firft,for the glory ofGod, we fet God. it forth by our anger, either when beeing private men wee Phew our feines his children& feruants, by manifetting our hatred and detettationof fin in wordor countenance, and fo adorne theprofeflion whichwe profefle, or beingMagi- ftrates do become his instruments in punifhing tannes, and executing iuflice; if therefore either privatemen or Magi. (hates propoundvnto themfelues this maine and principali end in their anger, it is tuft and holy. Z. The good of The fecondend is, the good oftheChurch &Common- thechurch &wealth : which end,though itappertaine vnto all which are anonwealth. members of thefe bodies,yet cloth it more properly belong untoMagistrates, who are toPhew their anger in punifhing finne, not onely that ciuill iuftice,which is the prop of the Common-wealth, may be maintained, but alto that Gods anger, whichhangethouer wholeCountries-,where finne is countenanced or not iuftlypunifhed,tnay be auerted : for if finne be punifhedby men inauthority,Godwill not punifh the Common-wealth for it. Whereas otherwife ifMagi- firates vvincke at fin, and fo neglect their duty impofed by God, theLord will inanger take the (wordof hake into his owne hands, and punifhnot only the malefactor for of- fending,but theMagifirate for not executinghis duty ; yea, the whole Common-wealth, which is flamed andpolluted with their finnes. Examples. Examples heereofareplentifull in theword of God, for the fin of Zimry withCoxby, God lent agrieuous plague a- Nomi. mongft thepeople, but after Thinees had executed iuftice byflaying both the offenders,the plagueceafed. For the fin OÁ of Áchan, God tooke away the hearts from thepeople fo that