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712e ends of its, toiler. 2I that they fled and fomc of them fell before the men ofAi, butwhen the malefa&or was iutllypuniíhed, Gods anger was appeafed.Becaufe theBenismires did not punish but ra- Iudgt za, ther countenance the fin of thofe who fo íhamelefly did a- bufe theLeuites Concubine, we knowwhat follow ed, not only-the offenders, but alto the whole Tribc(fome few ex- cepted)wereattachedby Gods heauy iudgement. If there- fore Magiarates would hauc the Lords anger auerted, ei- therfromthemfelues or the Common-wealth, they are to Phew theiranger inpuniíhing fin : andifindrawing out the fword ofiuílice against iniquity,they propound veto them- felues thegood of theChurch and Common- wealth, their end is hill and holy,and their angeralfo. The third end ofiuíl anger, is the goodof the party who 3.The good of fuffcreth the iniury, for hereby the offender is reflrained the party who ff from committing the like,whcn either privatemen íharply Aered the reproue him, or Magiflrates feuerely punish him for hisof- inaurte. fence ; whereas if neither private men doe by their anger thew their diflike,norMagiílrates infli&puniíhment forhis mifderneanour,he is ready to redouble his iniuries. The ¡all end,is the good ofthe party,who by offering the 4. Thegoodof iniury prouoketh vs toanger.For private men are to be an- thepartie who gry with their neighhour, not becaufe theymaligne himor offered the v feeke his hurt, but becaufe theymay difcourage him in his rune. fin andworkehis amendment. And in like manner Magi- flrates mull fhew their anger in punifhing offenders, nit to reuenge themfelues on their perfons, but that they may feeke their good in reforming ;heir vices. For what greater good can aman doe hisbrother then to reclaime him from his fin,which otherwife woulddeflroybothbodyand foule by remaining in it ? But hcere itmaybe demanded howhee feekethhis good obieaiox. and amendment,when thepunifhment is capitali. I anfwere fere. fiirfl in thofe cafes there is acomparifonofthepublike good oftheCommon-wealth,with the private good ofthe party otfeading,which is tobenegle6led in refpe61 oftheother:if D a there-