Sea.i. Vnáafi anger condemned ae a gres t.¡intte. 22 Of vniufi zinger. thereforehis offence be fetch as deferueth death, he is tobe punifhed with death; that the burthen doe not lyvpon the land.Secondly,I anfwere,he doth the party goodbybring- ing hint to the fight of his fin and repentance by apprehen- ding the paine of the punifhment ; whereas otherwifehe woulddefperately runne on in his fins, & fo call awayboth body and foule. Topreuent therefore & cure this deíperate difeafe,it is neceffary to apply deíperate phifick, and todc- (troy the body,that both bodyand foule may be faued. And thefe are the things required in iufa and holy anger, which if we obferue,our anger will be not only lawful' but alto necefîary,both for the letting forthofthe gloryofGod andalfo for thegoodofour felues and ofour neighbours. CHAP. II. Ofvniuft finger. ANd fomuchfor the fir1+part ofmy text,wherein iuf} an- ger is commanded : now I am to fpeake ofvniuft anger forbidden in the words following, but nnenot, that is, by falling into corrupt and vniufl anger.Which vicious affe&i- on isnot onely heere condemned, but alto in other places ofthe Scripture, as in the 31. verle of this Chapter, Let at bitterneffe,and anger, and wrath, andtwillfpeaking,beeput a- way fromyouwith411malicioufneffe. So Co1.3. 8, Putysea- wayallthefe things,wrath ,anger,malicioufneffe,e .c.and in the 5. Chapter of the Galathians verle 20.21. it is reckoneda- mong the workes of the flefh, which who fo follow (hall not inherite thekingdom ofGod.It is forbidden alto in the fixth commandement vnder thename ofmurther ; bothbe- tank it is the chiefemeanes and caufe which moouethmen thereunto,asaltobecaufe it is the murther of the heart, and therefore murther in truth inGods fight,whomore refpect- eth theheart then the hands,for aman may be innocent be- fore him,thoughhis hands hauefaire his neighbour, ifhis heart haue not confented thereunto,as appearethin the old law,